The life of Janet Anderson Hardy from 1981 to 1999 in San Diego Area, California. Home on Camberwell Lane, Rancho Bernardo 1988-1997.
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Christmas Card 1981

The Christmas Card 1981 was a newsy letter written in Book of Mormon Style but it certainly told the story of what all the Hardys were doing, if anyone had the patience to read it:

     And so it was in the year of our Lord, 1981, that a scourge came upon the land and that scourge was called High-Interest Rates and all those that made their living in the housing industry were sorely tested.  And behold, the Hardys were among that group.  Nevertheless, they did suffer their affliction well and looked forward to the year 1982 with great hope and anticipation.

     And so it was that at Christmastime 1981 the Hardys looked back upon the year and saw that they were blessed, yea with many things and it was good.

     For it was early in the month of January that they did attend the mission farewell of Janet's sister Jeanne,  for behold she was called to fulfill a one year mission in the southern land of Ventura County, California.  And yea, she has been there these many months and has had many fruitful journeys throughout the Land.

     And it came to pass that in the month of March Janet and Maria did travel into the land of Idaho and had great joy in visiting Linda at Rick's College for Women's Week.  And behold,  Janet did do much good work at the Genealogy Library.  

     Now it was that Richard's nephews Matt and Richard did venture forth from the land of Las Vegas and begin to work for Richard.  And yes, they did labor with much diligence and did well.  And also it was that Matt did bring his wife Laura and his child Michelle with him and thus we could enjoy their sweet presence, and yea, it was good.      

     Now it came to pass that in the summer of 1981 many properties came unto Richard and his partners and John was sent to them to prepare them well for selling and so many were the properties that John and his friends spent the whole of the summer in preparing the homes.  And behold, Richard began to sell the properties and also to help others to sell their properties and yea, another business did begin to prosper under his hand.  And it was good.

     And it came to pass that in the month of July the daughter of John and Jennifer did have her First Birthday and behold, she was known as Meagan and we did see that she was a beautiful child, and yea, that she did bring much joy into our life.

     Now it was that Jimmy did go far into the Sierras and traveled many miles and was gone for the space of 10 days, and yea, he did well.  And it came to pass that he also traveled south into the land of Baja California, and he did spend much time upon the waters on his surfboard and behold, it was good for Jimmy.


 Now it came to pass that Linda did want to travel unto the island of Oahu to attend BYU, and yea, Maria did also.  And so it was that the Hardys did venture far even to the land of Kauai and the island of Oahu.  And behold, it was good and they found much joy in their travels.  And so it was that Maria and Linda did tarry in Laie, and yea, they did attend college and were filled with much wisdom.

     Now it was that there was much fear and trembling in the Hardy house for it came to pass that Jimmy did enter his fifteenth year and begin to drive a car--and yea, even did procure a motorcycle.  And behold, his mother was much concerned for his safety and so his father did see that Jimmy did take learning in the matter of motorcycles and thus Jimmy did prepare to ride out upon the land.

    Now it was that John and Jennifer and Meagan did live near unto the Hardy house for John did attend UCSD and yea, even did work hard to prepare himself for law school and to earn money for his family.  And behold, his wife Jennifer was a good mother to Meagan and yet she also did work part-time in a children's store.  Thus they were very busy with their school and work and in raising Meagan to be a wise and beautiful child. 

     And it came to pass that the Hardys were lonely with Linda and Maria gone and John and Jennifer so busy and so it was a great happiness for them to hear that Linda and Maria would return to the land of California and attend school and yea, even to labor.

     And so it was with much thanksgiving that the Hardys looked forward to being together at Christmastime in the land of La Jolla and behold, Janet did decorate the house and yea, even begin to prepare food, but woe unto Janet.  She did hurry too fast and did slice off the tip of her middle finger in the food processor and so it was that Janet could not type, nor cook well, nor yea, any of those things she had heretofore done.

     Nevertheless it was well with the Hardys and they did look forward to Christmas and expressing love to their friends and relatives, for yea, even these friendships are some of their greatest blessings.  And so it was in December of 1981 that the Hardys did wish the most choice people in all the world a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!     

Christmas 1982

In 1982 things went from bad to worse and Richard was not making any money but spending his time full time just trying to save his clients by foreclosing on properties, fixing up and reselling them.

It was not a time of prosperity but of hope and Richard continuing to help his family with school, jobs, cars, etc.  I was busier than ever learning and trying to make the A paper side bring in income.

   Consequently, it was one of the years I never did get a Christmas card out.  And I did not write anything down but we did get these pictures in which Meagan was the star.  Meagan was always so animated.  She was fun to photoshoot.


Christmas Card 1983

 Well, it's been a strange and wonderful Christmas!  We began with Christmas Eve on December 22 so Jimmy could be a part of it.  He and three friends left for Park City on the 23rd and are having a skiing holiday.

     Meagan, who continues to delight us, performed "Up on the Housetop" this year, with accompanying actions.  She also helped with the Christmas baking this year and wrapping of presents.  3 1/2 is a wonderful age!

     Maria arrived home from Utah and immediately prepared all kinds of Christmas goodies to give away.  Maria always makes Christmas fun and festive.  We are happy to have her back for a while...she is doing away with the poverty student routine and getting a real job...hopefully, in our mortgage business, she is a real dynamo at getting things done.

     John will be joining Jimmy for skiing also.  He is continuing his studies at San Diego State, working on his MBA!  We're very proud of John's graduation from UCSD with a very high-grade point average this last spring.  He received a Bachelor of Arts in History with a Minor in Literature.  (When John was once asked what he could do with a History Degree, he said he could make good conversation while standing in the Unemployment Line.)

     The most precious Christmas gift of all was delivered December 23 during the Holiday Bowl game (at a hospital) of course).  Kristi Marie Pulsipher made her debut into the world with both sets of grandparents and numerous aunts and uncles cheering from the hallway.  She is a real beauty and we are all looking forward to lots of baby tending.  Linda and Gary did a super job and will somehow jostle parenting, schooling, and earning a living.

     Richard is talking seriously about exercising and is continuing to sell all the foreclosure properties his business acquired during the economic slump we have had in San Diego.

     Janet lost and gained innumerable pounds this year and decided to go au naturale (grey hair).  She continues to be fully enmeshed in the very hectic, pressured world of commissioned loan officer but has managed to survive and even succeed--much to her surprise. 

     We enjoy hearing from you even though our cards don't go out every year like they used to do...Have a very Happy New Year!


Note written on Christmas Card to Mom:

We're off to Park City for a few days--never did hear back from Carole--be fun if they could come. 

Meagan says, "Grandma is going to Utah for a rest!"  I closed 18 escrows on Thursday and Friday I had all my other 8 loans approved!  So I am tired and need a rest.

The problem with this business is you're always in the middle of some others,  no rest.

Linda's Kristi is a doll and Linda feels really good.  

Enclosed is $500 I owe you--thanks so much.  We surely needed it.  

Jo Anne (my working partner) is so depressed I feel sorry for her.  She sees how neat our kids are and what a different life she has led and what problems she has because  of that and she's not making it moneywise besides.    

But we have been blessed and I appreciate so much our solid beginning from y and Dad.  We love you very much!  I didn't do well on the Christmas gift,  I never do,  I'll look for something else!


Business Update:

Since Richard Jones retired, Bill and Amy and Richard are at logger heads as to how the business is to be run.  We have agents doing the A paper loans, a couple in La Mesa office and a couple in La Jolla office and I supervise the whole operation.   But Amy and Bill do not understand that side of the business at all and there are and have been a lot of Richard's family involved in the business, which is good, but they are probably concerned about it all.  It has become very ugly.

Maria and Mark Elope, Christmas 1984 and Other News from the Year!

No Christmas card this year, in a disaster zone as far as the business is concerned and Maria and Mark eloped!!!   So I do not know what I am doing about now.  Maria saw Mark at the cash register at a local store and had us check him out.  Next thing they were dating and then went to visit Jimmy at BYU and came back married!  We had a dinner and cake celebration with friends at a restaurant at UTC and I can't find any of the pictures!!!!  

They both appear very happy, came to the L J office to share the news with me.  What a huge surprise!!!  

The only pictures I have of us at Christmas are of Kristi, Linda and Gary; John and Meagan.  Good grief, hope we do better next year!   

John poses with Meagan in her Dance Costume

Meagan at '84 Christmas

News from earlier this year is that my friend Carla from Glendive is also in the financial business!!!  She is a financial consultant for Shearson/American Express.  This, after all her years in the music business and then as music professors in a private school.

Evidently the Wall Street firm is experimenting with teaching highly educated individuals (Carla has her Doctorate) to be financial consultants and use their contacts as clients.

News about the Silver Gate Cabin.  I suggested to Dick sometime ago that we start having family times scheduled every year and that all families contribute to the cost and the ownership of the cabin goes into a Trust for all the heirs to use from now on.  I think we are all on board to finally make it happen.

Major Events in 1985 and Christmas and Christmas Card 1985

Park City, UT--January--Meagan learns to ski--Fun Trip!

Provo, UT--April 19--Jimmy and his bicycle collided with a garbage truck and spends six months recuperating at home 

La Jolla, CA--May-- Mark, Gary, John, and Jimmy convert surf house to playhouse!
Big Bear, CA--July--Much needed vacation at Lagonita Lodge 

Forest Park, Illinois--Move in September, Gary, Linda, and Kristi are at Loyola Dental School

Austin, TX--Sherry and son Zack move to Austin, Texas as Sherry secured a job in the loan business using the experience she has gained in La Jolla.

San Diego, CA--September 12--Michael Aston Valko born, Maria and Mark are the proud parents.

Glendive, MT--November--Janet's brother Dick passes away--Janet joins her family for a loving tribute.  The funeral was very nice.  Dave told about when they were young in the depression with one bicycle for two boys and doing the paper route for years.  Marilyn and Jeanne gave the prayers at the funeral, Carole gave the prayer before the funeral and I gave the prayer at the viewing the night before. 

Everyone was taking it all really well but it is scary to Mary and Cheri and Jeff to have the whole responsibility of the store.  Right next door to the store Dick had just bought the building and got other merchants to come in.  The rent will be about $3000 a month to Mary so if they can keep the merchants in there it should be good.  It is called Anderson's Mini-Mall and he got a Citizen of the Month Award for bringing new life into downtown when the town is so depressed.  

 Dick and Mary 

We gathered at Mary's house in Glendive, Montana

Dave and Dorothy

Carole, Marilyn, and Janet with Mom.   Arky and Rod's wife and baby.

Remaining Anderson children with Mom

Carole and Len with their boys

Marilyn and Arky, Jeanne, Mary, Mom, Dorothy and Dave, Janet and Carole, Len and their boys

La Jolla, CA--November--Jimmy set apart as an Elder and at same time President Kimball passes away.  

Jimmy traveled all over Europe after High School graduation and attended ski school in Austria and Italy with a rich friend and so was able to be on the BYU ski team.  Just before trying to get ready for a spring ski trip to Colorado, he was hit by a BYU garbage truck while riding his bicycle.  He received severe head injury and damage to his tibia.

While mending for 6 months he prepared for a mission and left last month for Colorado Mission.  He was not able to go abroad because of possible head seizures and need for leg physical therapy.

Boulder, CO--November--Jimmy arrives at first city to serve on his mission!

San Diego, CA--December--John finishes graduate school at San Diego State.   He is looking for a job

Los Angeles, CA--John begins his new career as a Tax Accountant with Peat, Marwick, Main and Co.  

San Diego, CA--December--We are putting Maria in as Operations Manager, in charge of keeping all supplies bought and forms printed, turning the garage room into a mailroom, etc.  We just have to get more organized and get Richard to spending his time doing the right things.  We are also cleaning and reorganizing the Clairemont office for better looks and efficiency.
Christmas in La Jolla

Meagan and Michael

Maria and Baby Michael

John and Meagan

Grandma Janet and Michael


John and Meagan

Maria and Michael

Christmas in Illinois


Christmas in Colorado for James

After Christmas Notes

I have been up since 3 am writing long notes to those I want to rather than sending a lots of cards.

 John starts February 10 with Peat Marwick in Los Angeles.  Should be exciting to finally be working after all his schooling.

We are doing all right but will have to make some decisions this next year about selling our house.