The life of Janet Anderson Hardy from 1981 to 1999 in San Diego Area, California. Home on Camberwell Lane, Rancho Bernardo 1988-1997.

From Mom at Easter 1989

Dear Janet, Richard and Family.

Happy Easter Greeting to you.  As I sit here writing it has rained, and thundered and now the sun is shining again.  We do need the rain.

Jeanne and I went shopping early this morning and got home just as the Warburtons drove up.  We knew they were coming.  Carole W.  friend is in a play here.  She is pretty and sings so it should be a good show.  They are all going but I am not going.  I don't seem to be able to sit for anything that lasts too long.  Old age creeping up!

The cousins have been enjoying themselves--a little nosier and louder than they need be!   

Your yard must be beautiful by now.  Ours is coming but we need pansy's and other flowers to fill in.

Hope to see you one of these days.  Don't work too hard.  

Have a pleasant Easter.

Love to all, Mom, and Grandma

An earlier picture of Mom enjoying one of their many trips they took before Dad died.  Now she is living with Jeanne and life is so different.  

October 23, 1989--30 Year Wedding Anniversary

The chauffeur arrived right on time and when Richard saw him he said, "Oh, my gosh."  The chauffeur was a little unsure as to exactly where we were going and tried to call Maria but she was gone.  His boss had told him but not enough detail.  We told him we could not be of any help at all.  I did tell him we had a confirmation # and then he felt comfortable that where he thought we were supposed to go really was the place.  He then became concerned about the time though.  He said limousines always travel slower and people usually do not figure extra time when telling them what time to come so he drove faster.  I can certainly see why movie stars, and etc. like to travel by limousine.  It is very relaxing and everything looks a little different from inside.  

We arrived at the harbor and it was the right place, "The Invader Cruise".  This is a ship that was built in 1905 as a racing sloop for the Borden Milk family.  It has gone through a number of changes but is much larger on the inside than it appears.  Amazingly enough the air was not cool at all.  The ship travels very smoothly and the view is just beautiful.  We were taken all around the bay under the Coronado bridge and back.  We saw the Exxon Valdez and Joan Kroc's yacht and a lot of Navy carriers.  The beauty is all the lights from the city and Coronado.  The trip was 2 1/2 hrs long and we were on ship about 1/2  hr before we took off.

There was a band and singers and they were excellent.  There was a little dance floor that kept full and was fun to watch.  A Japanese boy of 4 and his sister of 6 kept us all amused--they were seriously imitating the dancers of the 50s.  Sitting across from us was a young couple from New Jersey, they had been in Anaheim for a karate convention.  Next to them was New Zealanders who shipped eel for a living, and the man put on quite a show in his dancing.  Next to us was a couple who were marrying next month and the band kept teasing them.   There were quite a few people celebrating birthdays and anniversaries from San Diego. Excellent voyage! It was a very relaxed evening, even Richard was relaxed but not napping.
Of course, Richard had to ask the chauffeur to stop at the office while he picked up the Monday morning mailing.  I told Maria if he charged extra for that put it on the Office tab!

It was all a surprise gift from our children and the only disappointing thing was to see how chubby we are in the pictures!!!  But in spite of that it was a very romantic evening!  For my anniversary present I have a beautiful new gold bracelet and watch and we are going shopping for new clothes for Richard, that is what he wants.

Hard to believe it has been 30 years!!! Jimmy said it must get easier as the years go by...yes, with only two to take care of, it is definitely easier.  We also received a picture of our  "super seven" grandchildren that is really darling and hanging over the couch.

Christmas Card 1989, New Grandbabies, Gary Graduates, the Deides are here

Grandchildren Christmas 1989

The good news is...

     We gained two new granddaughters this year, Melissa to Maria and Mark in Poway and Amy to  Linda and Gary in Chicago!

Melissa in Poway

Amy in Chicago
The bad news is...
     We do not get to see Linda and Gary's Kristi, Craig, and Amy near enough.  

The good news is...
    Gary graduated from   dental school this year and is going on to orthodontic school--Congratulations, Gary!!!

The good news is...
     Janet had a special trip with granddaughter Kristi across the state of Illinois from Chicago to  Nauvoo, Illinois.  We saw the roots of Mormon history we had previously only read about.  It was delightful!

The bad news is...
     The wind blows like crazy in Illinois and the Mississippi really is muddy but the grass is very green and the farms are the neatest I have ever seen!

Karoke was fun for Meagan

The good news is...
     Richard and I had a wonderful summer trip with granddaughter Meagan to the Anderson Family cabin in Silvergate, Montana.  We met sons John and Jimmy there and did hiking, fishing, and horseback riding and just enjoyed the quiet mountain beauty.

The bad news is...
     It took about half of our vacation just driving back and forth from California--but we saw Yellowstone Park through the eyes of a nine year old and that was neat!

The bad news is..Janet has too much to juggle to do anything too well
  but continues to get more courses on the complicated mortgage business.

The good news is...
     The whole extended family was together for about one day at Big Bear Lake.  We really enjoyed getting all the grandchildren together so they can become friends.

Craig and Kristi in Chicago

The bad news is...
     It gets harder and harder to gather the troops---John is a manager with Peat, Marwick, and Main in Los Angeles: Jimmy is finishing his last year at BYU; and the Pulsiphers (Linda, Gary, and children) have two more years in Chicago.  That leaves the Valkos (Maria, Mark and children) in nearby Poway, Jennifer and Meagan in La Jolla and Richard and I in Rancho Bernardo. (This latter group see each other weekly which we really enjoy).

Jennifer sets the table in our new dining room

The good news is...
     Richard has recouped well from his 1988 bypass and is back to working his 12 hour days.  He has 20 people working in Help-U-Sell offices now so that is great but keeps him jumping.

Kristi has a party in Chicago

The bad news is...
     Richard has regained all his weight and we are both in great need of shaping up and we never seem to take time for ourselves.

The good news is...
      We love our home in Rancho Bernardo--much more than we had imagined.  It is light and airy and just the right size.

Meagan is Mary this Christmas

The bad new is...
       With working everyday at Choice Mortgage and Help-U-Sell there is never enough time for grandchildren, gardening, and just being home!

The good news is...
      We all wish you a Merry Christmas and a most Wonderful New Year in 1990.

Matt and Craig are the Shepherds

The bad news is...
       We miss seeing all our old friends and don't see our family and relatives enough and there's too little time for new friends!  But if any of you are on the slopes in Park City after Christmas or in the Salt Lake Genealogy Library after New Years, look for us, we'll be there and remember 18391 Camberwell Lane is just off 1-15!

Come see us in Rancho Bernardo!

Christmas Dinner in Our New Home

The Deides came for Christmas, too

Mike likes the Karoke, too

Matt is not the baby anymore.

Matt has such cute expressions.

An Old Boyfriend Visits and The LIST, 1990

Earlier this monnth I received a call at the office and he said it was Bill.  "Bill, the appraiser, or Bill, from high school?", I asked.  He said, "Your old boyfriend, Bill." "Oh", I said.  He said he wanted to see me as he was in town visiting his daughter.  I said, "Ok, do you know where I am?"  "Yes, a friend from your church has kept tabs on you and he told me where to find you."

So, that night, I told my daughters about the call and since I was about 50 lbs heavier that when we dated in the late 50's and I asked my girls for an idea of what to wear.  

The next day when he came in the office, he walked right by where Richard was standing and came to the front where my desk was.  We walked out the front door and over to Dairy Queen and talked.  I am not sure Richard was even aware but I did not take Bill back and introduce him.  I was not sure what he wanted.  But Richard knew all about our relationship and that we had almost married and Bill wrote me after Richard and I were already married as if he wanted to get back together but he did not know I was married, of course.  So we had broken up in May and I was already married in October..."pretty fast," he had commented, when I let him know.

He is divorced and has a 5 year daughter from a first marriage living in Carlsbad and his ex-wife was also in the real estate business.  He said I would enjoy doing loans for her.  Evidently he had a great business in Washington and then his manager got into drugs and monies were mishandled and he lost it all and his wife left him.

At one point he started to take my hand as we sat across from each other and then thought better of it.  He said, "We should have married... but you were saved by not, for sure."  Or something like that.  He did not tell me then but it was not too long after this visit he remarried and to his chiropractor.

Not exactly sure why he visited, just checking as to where I was in my marriage I guess.  He had lost all the weight he had gained when he was under so much stress so wanted me to see him that way I suppose.   He is also selling some pills to help weight loss but he did not try to sell me any.  But he did tell me he had rented a white car with the top down in honor of our visit.  That is what he was driving when we were dating.  I am sure we both have good memories of those days.

I really enjoyed dating Bill but I am so positive it was not right for us to marry.  He did leave me some nice poems and happy memories of sailing and dancing and having a lot of great times riding around San Diego in his convertible.  Great sense of humor, always had me laughing.  I really enjoyed the time I spent with him in San Diego.

Also in 1990 I made a LIST!!!

Christmas Card 1990 and Life Moments from the Year


The holiday season is a very special time--a time to reflect on the past and give thanks for all our blessings.  One of those blessings is our rich heritage and the delightful relatives that come with it. This year as we have computerized our genealogy we have become acquainted with ancestors of great strength and integrity, ancestors from poverty, ancestors from royalty, ancestors with leadership ability and ancestors of humble faith.

     We have also had the opportunity of visiting with many of our living relatives and this is always special.  Janet's mother sent us a tape relating her parents' coming to America and the first 20 years of her life in Utah.  This is a real treasure.

  Others have shared books with us about Richard's lineage into the royalty of Europe and this had been fun.  This year Janet has worked on updating the Larson and Ekenberg lines.  Richard's lines go all the way back to the days of the Normans so is overwhelming, we just gather the information in the computer and look at it.  Janet would love to hear from anyone actively working in research on any line.

   Our own family has been growing as Maria and Mark added their fourth, a little boy, on November 13th.  Mitch Khamsin Valko.  The Valkos have middle names that are cars, sports cars I think!  This makes eight grandchildren to visit our home and these are the most fun kind of relatives!

     Martin's daughter Susan and her husband John and two children have moved to Rancho Bernardo and the Diedes' (my sister Carole's daughter)  have been living next door in Escondido for the past few years so we have quite a group of cousins.

     Linda and Gary should finish orthodontic schooling in June and hopefully move to California near us.  John is still at Peat Marwick but now lives in West Los Angeles.  Jimmy is finishing at the Y but also works for American Business Seminars and does insurance with Northwestern.  He's making money!!!!!

     We would like to thank all of our relatives for their association and influence on the Hardy Family over the years and wish each and everyone a warm and wondrous Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year!

Some Life Moments from this Past Year

February, 1990...Janet said-- "Our Help-U-Sell office got a Pinnacle Award for highest volume in all of Help-U-Sell, but as Richard says, if you can get an award for highest volume and still not be able to make it, that is scary.  Thank heaven, I have about 3 closings next week which will pay our bills again.  I am continually tossing between "work harder" and "give it up" mentality.  Jimmy asked me how much I had saved for retirement and I said, "You are my retirement, Jimmy."

February 1990...Janet said-- "Last night I picked up all of Maria's kids and had Meagan, too, and they all stayed overnight.  At round 1:30 AM Melissa woke up and we spent 2 and 1/2 hours of going to bed and getting up, etc. and I was so tired.  Finally at 4 A M Richard called Maria and she came over and got Melissa to sleep and then slept for awhile.  When I awoke Maria had cleaned the whole house, it was such a mess.  She has tremendous energy and zeal."

February 1990...Janet said--"We went to watch Michael's soccer game--it was so funny--those kids are so little and not really aggressive at all--especially Michael--when he didn't want to play anymore he just closed his eyes and wandered around in circles."

February 1990...Janet said---"Meagan has a super dance teacher and Meagan is really looking great. They have a huge recital in June and have already ordered the costumes and are working on the dance. It is quite an event in the community and only happens every two years.  There are about 3 or 4 dance teachers and many classes a week--luckily she has been able to go on Saturday but if she gets too good she may have to go during the week.  John pays for the lessons and costumes."

May 1990...My Mother (living in Orem) wrote, "I thought Jimmy was a delivery boy, so when I really looked and saw a big handsome boy with a beautiful vase of flowers and a couple of balloons I was really surprised.  We had a nice visit, I was glad Jeanne got home while he was here.  Just for fun I asked if he was in the movies yet, we all got a laugh when he said, "Funny you should ask, I have a few pictures,  I'll go get them."  Mom said, "After seeing the pictures, I hope he does get some work at modeling, etc.  Someone must be interested in him and his good looks."

Mother's Day 1990...My Mother wrote, "I have many happy memories due to a great family, a kind and thoughtful Father for you children, and a sweet and loving husband for me.  He surely provided for us well, much better than I ever expected, we were very blessed, and lucky, too.

"I thank you for all you have done for me and for the sweet memories, you were my baby for a long time."

May 1990...My Mother wrote, "Dave and Dorothy gave me the new book of the life of David O. McKay written by his oldest son David.  We lived near the McKays in Ogden and they lived in the 4th Ward as we did.  And when I was going to Weber, a church school there, he often came to visit and talk at our Devotionals and we all loved him, he was young and handsome.  I danced with his son Llewelyn and went to church with his daughter Lou Jean and taught the little boys.  Sometimes he would walk Lou Jean and I to Mutual.  Their young mother was beautiful and the Apostle not often home.  They were a lovely family and I started reading the book right away."

"Your cards and letters were appreciated and it seemed my family all have the same feeling about our happy home.  You were not that troublesome and I loved you all."

Update: The Fuquas moving from Texas to live in a house in Dinuba that Richard has available.  

Spring 1990...My Sister Carole had many mini miracles in their very tedious drive of all their possessions from Texas to California--this is just one: "Finally sailed into San Diego on Empty again, spent the night and day and night with sister Janet and then on to Dinubba, arriving on Empty again.  My sister had given me her Exxon credit card and every Exxon did not have Diesel fuel.  Finally found a Chevron that took Exxon so we gassed up and then piled on hot dogs, drinks etc but as we were paying someone said, "Oh, we don't take Exxon cards with the grey border."  Carole says, "Well, do you want to siphon all the gas out and let us bunk here until someone comes with money?" The girl said, "Let's just pretend we didn't notice the grey border and I'm not going to add the food in either."


This Christmas everyone was home for Christmas!  Pulsiphers spent part of the time in El Cajon and part of the time with us. Maria and Mark had Mitch blessed on Sunday!  Jimmy was home also.  We went to Maria's and Mark's ward and then had a birthday party for Kristi at our house.  We had swiss steak and mashed potatoes and broccoli and everything got eaten.  Linda made the cake in the shape of a snowman!  

Wednesday the 19th we had the office party but we did not have a good attendance.  If I had known it would be like that we could have saved some money.  I should have asked them all to bring something then they have to come.  It was good anyway and HUS paid some of the costs!

We sent cards to some of our borrowers and lenders...I spent too much for Christmas but enjoyed doing it but since I don't have the money it is not good.  I think next year we should set a limit on the gifts and really stick to it.  Meagan said she would like to get lots of small presents rather than one big one.  I'm sure everyone would agree.  For dinner we had ham and several salads and hot potato dish and veggie dish, different than usual.  I made Hootch and Fudge to give away plus 2 batches of pumpkin bread, but I ate too much.  Next year I do not want to spend time and money making all that candy because we eat too much.  Pecan candy rolls that Price Club had made nice gifts and the pistachio nuts except they are too heavy to mail.  I sent all of our family something, but it is too expensive. 

Christmas Eve was really nice.  And I love the darling pictures.  We had the program first, more organized than usual.   Wish we had some pre taped music to sing with though.  After eating we had the children give their songs and poems in the mike and then had the presents.  No one ate much dessert.  But we surely ate a lot of candy.  Jennifer's spinach dip was especially good, she uses Knorr Spinach Dip Mix.  

I love Christmas and I love our family!!

Dedication of Edward Bunker, Sr. Monument, 1991

We attended this dedication and a large video can be seen from the left side of this blog.  It is on You Tube and can be clicked even though it gives the impression you can't see it from here.

Edward Bunker Sr. was an ancestor whose roots go back to France so I think this is where the Hardy family gets their darker pigment on their skin.  His life sketch can be seen elsewhere from my blog and it is a very colorful history in deed.  Of Course, the name Bunkerville was named after him.  He is Richard's maternal Great Grandfather.  His son was called Bishop Bunker for years and quite renown for his kindness.

I am not sure how many of our families were here but Kathy and I are here with Martin and Richard and Miriam has Don with her and her daughter Jenny and maybe Jenny's first daughter and I see she is pregnant with another.

Robert Wells, who is talking to Richard, is his cousin and he was the main speaker at the Dedication.  He is a very good speaker.  Not sure who Martin is talking to, and John can be seen on the right so Meagan must be here, too.

A Hot Air Balloon for our Anniversary! 1991

Linda and Gary's family came to watch us go on the hot air balloon ride the children had given us for our 32nd Wedding Anniversary.

Starting from the Top it shows we are Up, Up and Away and the bottom pix show the involvement in getting it ready!!!

There were about nine or ten taking off at the same time we were.  They have radios that they can communicate to each other and to their drivers.   It was a complete surprise to find out that they do not know where they are going to land.  

Gary and Linda were following our driver and they said they had quite a tour of Del Mar and Fairbanks while keeping up with him.

When we did land it was on a vacant lot but the truck could not get to us so they had to get helpers to hand move the balloon back up the hill to where the truck for the balloon was.  When Del Mar gets all built up I don't know how they will be able to land anywhere.  

It was kind of scary when they got really high off the ground and when we first started you wondered if we would bump into the hills.  Del Mar is evidently one of the best balloon areas because of the breezes and vacant land.

They take off at sunrise and just prior to sunset. 

I was quite interested in how the couple that took us out got started.  He said it was just from taking a ride and becoming hooked and then after buying one with a friend and having to charge a few people to meet their own costs it just evolved into a business.

Once the hot air is all in the balloon it can stand up.

After they are laid out they begin to blow the hot air into them.

That must be Kelly sleeping through it all with Linda.

 It  was quite an experience to watch them lay out those huge balloons and then blow hot air into them until they can stand up.  

Kristi, Craig and Amy were old enough to watch the whole operation with Gary.

After the ride they took us to a park(in the dark) and had a lovely picnic.  All of us in our baskets that day were using Christmas gifts which are a little cheaper.  A normal ride  is $175 a piece and takes bout 4 hours from start to finish.

It was one of those once in a lifetime experiences.  Thanks to our children for something we would never had thought of doing and yet it was so fun!!!

Christmas 1991

It's December 25th and all is quiet at the Hardys--so Janet can tell you what the year has been for her family.

 James graduated from Brigham Young University and is now on his own--looking for a new seminar company to work for or something else exciting while he is still single and fancy free!  He is still living in Provo but talks about Australia and other romantic places!  He brought a new girl home a for the "California Test" and her name is Camber Carlston from Mission Viejo!

John is Senior Manager at Peat, Marwick and Main in Los Angeles and is working most of the time but manages to get a few good hikes in at Yosemite or the Sierras.  Meagan, his daughter, and Jessica, his girlfriend, have backpacks now, too, and can try and keep up with him.  Even Janet and Richard accompanied them to the base of a mountain and waited till they came back down!!!

Maria and Mark Valko and their four children moved to Troy, Michigan this fall and we miss them so much.  Mark is working in air conditioning back there and Maria has given up the office work with us and been more creative with making and selling 40 Christmas wreaths and numerous angels before Christmas. Mitch is now walking along the furniture and loves to climb the stairs.  Michael is reading amazingly well and should probably be in a special reading group for the more advanced.  

For Halloween they paraded through Birmingham and got donuts and cider!!  Michael was Dracula,  Matthew was a pirate,  Melissa was a clown and Mitch was a bunny!  Forgot the camera so no pix.

Mark wrote and thanked us for helping get the house sold and loading up for the big move.  We hated to see them go but they feel it is the right thing to do right now.  Life is hard.      Linda and Gary Pulsipher returned to San Diego after graduating in orthodontics and are living in El Cajon with their four children while getting started in a new practice.  Linda keeps the books for Choice Mortgage in between tending the newest "Kelly" just four months old.

Janet and Richard continue to work hard in the mortgage and real estate business.  The low rates have kept Janet busy with refinancing her clients while Richard has been preoccupied with building homes in Tulare and Bakersfield, Ca.  The computer has changed Janet's life dramatically!!!!

 We enjoyed seeing Janet's relatives last New Year's and Richard's in August and October of this year.  It is such a joy to see all of the niece's and nephew's with their own families.

If this news sounds vaguely familiar it's because we do the same thing every year--work and take a winter vacation at Park City and work and take a summer vacation at Big Bear Lake--in between we cope--and are thankful for the enjoyment we have from our four children and nine grandchildren.

May your new year be bright and joyful in 1992 and may the whole world make a little more sense than it did this year!!!

Pictures from Years Past

James and Camber Are Getting Married!! 1992

In a letter to Jeanne and Mom in early 1992 I am telling them all the big news!

It's a Match!

I really got the giggles talking to Jimmy on the phone last night.  They are making lots of  wedding plans.  First there is an engagement party at Sun Dance in April for all their college friends and relatives in Utah, very casual with fruit, cake and punch.  Then they will marry in the Los Angeles Temple in August  with a honeymoon in Cancun and coming back and spending time at Big Bear.  

Camber is planning on going to Carlson Travel School and her parents will pay for that and James is going to work at Choice Mortgage, commission only.  He has been doing insurance along with college and wants to do that, too.  Work in the financial world and he thinks he will have a great client base.  

I said, "You are both starting jobs, but you plan on a two week vacation?  Where are you getting the money to go to Cancun?  Everyone is having such money problems here and Jimmy still hasn't figured out how to have regular money coming in yet so it really struck my funny bone!

But it is more scary than funny, I hope it works out, I really do.  Love conquers all, right?

Our financial work is pretty scary right now, the houses are not selling, rates are up so loans are down and it is one hard day after another with no certainty about anything.  There are so many people out of work down here.

Yesterday I talked to a young man from our ward who moved to Pleasant Grove and was just home for a visit.  He is working in software up there and said you would never know there was a recession in Utah County.

We are having such a hard time trying to lose weight!!!  One of our clients gave us gift certificates for Hungry Hunter so we had filet mignon the other night, it was heavenly.  Plus my sweet tooth has returned, always craving something.

California has never looked so beautiful since I came in 1956. it is green everywhere, my backyard is gorgeous with lush green lawn and spots of pink and purple.  I am planning on take Kristi, Craig, and Meagan to Disneyland on Thursday before the So Cal special is over,  but if it is still raining I am afraid we will not be able to go.  I've never seen so much rain!

There is an interesting lawsuit down here.  There are several corporations in the So California area who are run by Mormons and one young man who had been working at SCI is claiming discrimination because he was fired and our children's former Seminary Teacher took his place.  He says the boss ( A Mormon Stake President) had invited him to many socials and tried to get him involved with the Mormon Church and Mormon girls and the company like only Mormons to work for them because 10% of their salary went to tithing, which he figured would have been $207,000 out of the company last year.  He says he was fired because he did not join the Church.  It will be interesting to see if he gets anywhere with the suit.  Have you ever heard of anything like this???

Meanwhile I have really sharp gal working for me in the day part time.  However, if I do not get more loans in, I doubt I can keep her!  It is a really tough market down here right now.

Jeanne is Going to Lyon, France 1992

 Jeanne is going to escort her granddaughters Julie and Molly to Lyon, France in June and be there for six weeks with David, her son, who is their Dad.  Sounds like an exciting trip and it will be fun to hear about it when they return.  The girls have been living with their Mom in Phoenix and it will be good to have quality time with their Dad.  And in what a fun place!!!

The problem is though, Mom, who lives with Jeanne, is not too happy to be uprooted from all the things that have become so familiar to her and her regular routine.   Before flying on and meeting the girls to leave for France, Jeanne will fly Mom to Denver to stay with Marilyn while they are gone.

And while Mom is anxious to see and be with Marilyn and Jeanne is confident she will be well taken care of, it is just a big change for Mom.  She is 91 this year I think and so every change gets harder as you age.  Jeanne says Mom is not complaining but she can tell.  Evidently her diabetes is in control and her health otherwise is good.  Jeanne said she is looking forward to seeing David and Dorothy before they leave.  D and D took Dorothy's nephew to Disneyland and are stopping in Utah on their way back.

Jeanne reminded me of how much Mom loves to get letters.  I write quite often to Jeanne and Mom and I so appreciate that Jeanne writes me long letters back.  She is always interested in all our doings and I really appreciate that.  I guess Mom's mail mostly consists of flyers and begging letters for charily and medicare things.

Jeanne also commented on the fact she is glad Mom can live with her and it is working out so well.  She said she has visited the retirement centers and they just seem so lonely and don't have enough to do.  We are all so fortunate Jeanne has the room and time for her and Mom loves everyone coming and going from Jeanne's house.  They have told me Mom loves to sit and show them the Memory Book I made for her of all her pictures and such.

Thumbnail Sketch of Richard's Life Given in Priesthood Meeting by Janet, 1992

I was asked to speak in Priesthood about Richard.  I assume they were getting acquainted with each other and asking the wives to share.   Who knows them better, right?