The life of Janet Anderson Hardy from 1981 to 1999 in San Diego Area, California. Home on Camberwell Lane, Rancho Bernardo 1988-1997.
Showing posts with label Mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mom. Show all posts

Update on Family, 1986

 We are getting our mail back from Jimmy's last address which is strange but he probably did not do a forwarding order.  I am getting tired of working, we did not get to the beach all summer, soooo busy.

Jon F has been  washing my car on the weekends, nice job for him and I am glad to get it done.  

I am on a vitamin kick and trying to get more energy.

Mark and John are trying to get some  time off so we can all go up to Park City for Christmas.  

Mom is at Jeanne's, Maria sent Jimmy some cookies, little Michael is a real character.  He slouches in his high chair and puts his feet up like no baby I have ever seen...real cool.

Jeanne is Going to Lyon, France 1992

 Jeanne is going to escort her granddaughters Julie and Molly to Lyon, France in June and be there for six weeks with David, her son, who is their Dad.  Sounds like an exciting trip and it will be fun to hear about it when they return.  The girls have been living with their Mom in Phoenix and it will be good to have quality time with their Dad.  And in what a fun place!!!

The problem is though, Mom, who lives with Jeanne, is not too happy to be uprooted from all the things that have become so familiar to her and her regular routine.   Before flying on and meeting the girls to leave for France, Jeanne will fly Mom to Denver to stay with Marilyn while they are gone.

And while Mom is anxious to see and be with Marilyn and Jeanne is confident she will be well taken care of, it is just a big change for Mom.  She is 91 this year I think and so every change gets harder as you age.  Jeanne says Mom is not complaining but she can tell.  Evidently her diabetes is in control and her health otherwise is good.  Jeanne said she is looking forward to seeing David and Dorothy before they leave.  D and D took Dorothy's nephew to Disneyland and are stopping in Utah on their way back.

Jeanne reminded me of how much Mom loves to get letters.  I write quite often to Jeanne and Mom and I so appreciate that Jeanne writes me long letters back.  She is always interested in all our doings and I really appreciate that.  I guess Mom's mail mostly consists of flyers and begging letters for charily and medicare things.

Jeanne also commented on the fact she is glad Mom can live with her and it is working out so well.  She said she has visited the retirement centers and they just seem so lonely and don't have enough to do.  We are all so fortunate Jeanne has the room and time for her and Mom loves everyone coming and going from Jeanne's house.  They have told me Mom loves to sit and show them the Memory Book I made for her of all her pictures and such.

Stress, Bandido, Babysitting, Jeanne and Mom, Bad Dreams, Sonogram 1998

October 23, 1998--Wedding Anniversary so feeling sad and lonely.  Certain people are always telling me what I should do.  I have plenty to do, that is not the problem.  Logically I should feel better than I do, logic has nothing to do with it and neither does prayer and reading the scriptures or going places--it's losing that support system, that person who makes you feel of worth--I am not finding that anywhere else.

I get so stressed--they are moving the mortgage business back into the office--I hope I don't have to have anything to do with it.  They lost a lock I had in for Melinda this week but WMA is going to have to eat it, as far as I'm concerned.  

Someone said they didn't understand why I should feel stressed and someone said I should have a sense a humor about it all.  So much advice, so little really understanding, losing your husband, your home, your independence, your income is not an easy thing at 65 and the fact I have so little control over the work I am expected to do, it is so stressful.  

November 5, 1998--Bandido has not been eating and been so mopey so I finally took him to the Vet.  It cost me $365 before I got out of there, he has an infection and I have to give him a daily douche and a pill I am supposed to hide in his food but he carefully spits it out do matter how well I try to hide it.  I try to put it down his throat and he always brings it up, so frustrating.

I tended the Pulsiphers while Linda and Gary went to Palm Desert for an Orthodontics Convention and I went over on Halloween night ( did nothing for Halloween)  but the night before Camber had her little Sunbeams dressed in costumes and Scott and his wife were there and their baby was dressed like Raggedy Ann so I had to tell them about dressing Meagan as Raggedy Ann for her first birthday and they had to come and see my Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls that I have in my apartment at Jimmy's house.

The Pulsiphers came back with lots of candy and needless to say, I had plenty!  We all went to church on Sunday and Kelly, Amy and then Tanner all bore their testimonies!!!  They are all such good kids but I get very tired, you have to be a young parent to handle it all, I think. 

Jeanne, my sister is the caretaker of my Mom and she has had pneumonia!!!  I am sure she gets runs down with all the caretaking.  And Mom is crying all the time because her bowels are uncomfortable, probably constipated.  So hard to live so long and not have your body work right.

I have been having bad dreams again.  Last night I had this very vivid dream of not being able to find any of my own clothes so I had to borrow my sisters.  Then I dropped all my makeup on the floor and couldn't find it to finish and my hair was not done and I didn't find a mirror with enough light to work on it and I kept going from room to room and couldn't get ready and everyone body was waiting for me.  I have this same kind of dream a lot, where I cannot get ready and everyone is waiting for me.

Camber's baby is due the end of January and she brought home a sonogram and the baby looks very big, really sprawled out, she has a very long uterus.  Fun to see, they did not have those when I was having babies.