The life of Janet Anderson Hardy from 1981 to 1999 in San Diego Area, California. Home on Camberwell Lane, Rancho Bernardo 1988-1997.

Hug from Heaven-1997

I am living at Linda's house and working for James in Mission Valley but recently had this vivid dream.

I dreamed I went outside Linda's house in front to look for Tanner but when I got out there I was somewhere else and there were many people around and then I saw Richard standing there looking at me.  He had on his green V-necked sweater and although I did not think about it until later he looked like he did in his 30's.  

I am not sure if he came to me or I walked to him but he took me into a secluded corner and put his arms around me and held me close.  ( I was telling Miriam about the dream and she told of the same type of experience with Scott and we both said the hug was almost like you were enclosed or enveloped by them.)

Anyway it was very comforting and he had taken me away from the crowd and we were standing in an alcove.  I said, "Oh, Richard, it is so hard." and he said,  like he often did.  "Yes, but what can we do?" when there really is no other answer.  It was so real.  I then asked him, "What is it like in Heaven?" and he began to talk, but I do not remember any of what he told me except I remember the word "councils".

I can't explain how comforting that embrace was but it was very interesting to hear of Miriam's experience being so much the same and for the embrace to sort of enclose all of you.

Richard in his V-necked sweater

I call it a "Hug from Heaven" and wonder if most people receive this visit.  When I was sharing the story with a widow at the Temple she said,  "I wish I had ".