The life of Janet Anderson Hardy from 1981 to 1999 in San Diego Area, California. Home on Camberwell Lane, Rancho Bernardo 1988-1997.

Hardy Family Reunion, 1994

The 27th day in August on Torrey Pines Beach in San Diego was perfect with lots of sun, sand and surf and a goodly number of the descendants of Merlin and Vida Hardy present. 

Most of the Martin Hardy's were there except we missed Dorothy Hardy and her baby.  The Sutehalls had surprised everyone and come all the way from Mexico and the Stanfords from Texas!

All of Miriam Hardy's family were present except for Matt's family and Julie and her family.  This was their first year at the reunion and we were delighted to hear about their remembrances of Scott Hardy at the evening dinner.

The Richard Hardy family was all there, too, except Jessica had to work and could not be with us.

 Everyone was having fun surfing, riding in a raft, jumping around in the waves and getting acquainted--oh and eating El Pollo chicken, hot dogs, watermelon, cookies, chips, pretzels, grapes and pop.  Martin had put up a terrific shade which housed a large group of non-sun worshipers.

Saturday night we all gathered for salads, ham and turkey and a special celebration cake in honor of Merlin and Vida's wedding of August 25 so many years ago.  There was a special "Hardy Bingo" for the adults and swings and slides for the little ones.

 The highlight of the evening was honoring Scott Hardy and we heard from Martin, Richard, Miriam, Matt, Alan, Merlin, Lorrie, Jenny and Becky.  A special remembrance book will be  presented to  all the Hardys about Scott Hardy.

1994 was truly a memorable reunion and we all shed a tear, had 
many laughs and grew a little closer.  That's what family is all about.  

Richard and Martin did the serving and cooking and were wearing T-shirts that said,