The life of Janet Anderson Hardy from 1981 to 1999 in San Diego Area, California. Home on Camberwell Lane, Rancho Bernardo 1988-1997.
Showing posts with label Daughter Maria's Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daughter Maria's Family. Show all posts

Business is Good but Always Problems and Miriam's Family revisited, 1985

I lost my calculator again!!! So I will have to buy another one.  I have about 22 loans working right now, with only about 5 of them iffy that may fall out, that's over two million in loans!!  I have been up till midnight every night and then up early.

Maria has had a kidney infection and been really sick so I've been running there, too.  Her medicine cost $59 and I cannot use my insurance for it, bummer.  I kind of hope they will decide to move back here and save some money.   Maria says their home teacher calls them a lot and Mark is playing on their basketball team so that part is better than our ward.

Richard and I went to Seegmiller's for a Swiss Sunday night supper and it was potatoes with melted cheese over it, so good.  

Richard turned his ankle today.  Did not go in to the Doctor, called Kunzman but he wasn't there so he has been limping, do not know how he can go to Knott's Berry Farm with us.

I have been so busy I haven't even been able to buy a turkey yet, etc.  Guess we'll have one Sunday at least.  Meagan is spending the weekend.  Maria's baby Michael was 14 lbs 10 oz at 2 months and he is solid as a rock!  

Mark's car broke down and then my plymouth had something in the carburetor causing problems, just one thing after another!!  But I did give a pretty good lesson in R S on Sunday on marriage.  I envy James on his mission having classes all day,  just learning more and more.

Susan Degn called and said they all love Escondido.  

Things are so hectic, rates are down and everyone wants to refinance,  don't blame them.  A couple guys are getting foreclosed out and time is pressing.  Richard is still having problems with Jones Mortgage but otherwise we are doing ok.

We are going to Knotts Berry Farm for Thanksgiving!!!  


In 1974, Miriam, wife of Richard's brother Scott (death in 1962), remarried to Don and this is a picture of the family 11 years later.

Major Events in 1985 and Christmas and Christmas Card 1985

Park City, UT--January--Meagan learns to ski--Fun Trip!

Provo, UT--April 19--Jimmy and his bicycle collided with a garbage truck and spends six months recuperating at home 

La Jolla, CA--May-- Mark, Gary, John, and Jimmy convert surf house to playhouse!
Big Bear, CA--July--Much needed vacation at Lagonita Lodge 

Forest Park, Illinois--Move in September, Gary, Linda, and Kristi are at Loyola Dental School

Austin, TX--Sherry and son Zack move to Austin, Texas as Sherry secured a job in the loan business using the experience she has gained in La Jolla.

San Diego, CA--September 12--Michael Aston Valko born, Maria and Mark are the proud parents.

Glendive, MT--November--Janet's brother Dick passes away--Janet joins her family for a loving tribute.  The funeral was very nice.  Dave told about when they were young in the depression with one bicycle for two boys and doing the paper route for years.  Marilyn and Jeanne gave the prayers at the funeral, Carole gave the prayer before the funeral and I gave the prayer at the viewing the night before. 

Everyone was taking it all really well but it is scary to Mary and Cheri and Jeff to have the whole responsibility of the store.  Right next door to the store Dick had just bought the building and got other merchants to come in.  The rent will be about $3000 a month to Mary so if they can keep the merchants in there it should be good.  It is called Anderson's Mini-Mall and he got a Citizen of the Month Award for bringing new life into downtown when the town is so depressed.  

 Dick and Mary 

We gathered at Mary's house in Glendive, Montana

Dave and Dorothy

Carole, Marilyn, and Janet with Mom.   Arky and Rod's wife and baby.

Remaining Anderson children with Mom

Carole and Len with their boys

Marilyn and Arky, Jeanne, Mary, Mom, Dorothy and Dave, Janet and Carole, Len and their boys

La Jolla, CA--November--Jimmy set apart as an Elder and at same time President Kimball passes away.  

Jimmy traveled all over Europe after High School graduation and attended ski school in Austria and Italy with a rich friend and so was able to be on the BYU ski team.  Just before trying to get ready for a spring ski trip to Colorado, he was hit by a BYU garbage truck while riding his bicycle.  He received severe head injury and damage to his tibia.

While mending for 6 months he prepared for a mission and left last month for Colorado Mission.  He was not able to go abroad because of possible head seizures and need for leg physical therapy.

Boulder, CO--November--Jimmy arrives at first city to serve on his mission!

San Diego, CA--December--John finishes graduate school at San Diego State.   He is looking for a job

Los Angeles, CA--John begins his new career as a Tax Accountant with Peat, Marwick, Main and Co.  

San Diego, CA--December--We are putting Maria in as Operations Manager, in charge of keeping all supplies bought and forms printed, turning the garage room into a mailroom, etc.  We just have to get more organized and get Richard to spending his time doing the right things.  We are also cleaning and reorganizing the Clairemont office for better looks and efficiency.
Christmas in La Jolla

Meagan and Michael

Maria and Baby Michael

John and Meagan

Grandma Janet and Michael


John and Meagan

Maria and Michael

Christmas in Illinois


Christmas in Colorado for James

After Christmas Notes

I have been up since 3 am writing long notes to those I want to rather than sending a lots of cards.

 John starts February 10 with Peat Marwick in Los Angeles.  Should be exciting to finally be working after all his schooling.

We are doing all right but will have to make some decisions this next year about selling our house.

Business is Going Well! 1986

1986 is going to be as hectic as last year with everyone wanting to refinance and all sources strained it appears, but all is well at the moment.  Richard and I are feeling good and believe it or not Richard had a hot dog at Price Club and said he didn't like it!!! 

I had some really difficult problems on my loans this week though.  I asked the Lord to help me and we did get them done!!  When I went out to one of the Lender's where Dan Northcutt from our Stake works he told me he was amazed and said he had told the girls working for him that I could never pull it off,  but I did.   

I had one borrower in Austria on a ski trip who would be back three days late for the other borrower to be able to close and I had another borrower who could not qualify and since each person was buying the other person's house (three houses, four couples involved) everything had to work and if it didn't I would have felt very responsible because two of the borrowers were mine.  Thank the Lord we worked hard, negotiated with everyone and got the one in Austria to fly back early and got one borrower to pay extra to get a buydown so the lender would approve him and it all turned out ok.  

On another deal on a loan we had worked on for three months we had finally funded and were going to close the next day when the escrow officer called and said we were $19,100 short and the borrower had said he did not have any money to bring in and the lender had said they could not lend him any more and if we did not have it by morning the whole deal would fall through and the property would be foreclosed on. Payments were not being made and they could not see that the taxes were paid though and for some reason it did not show up till right at the the last minute.  We were panicking for about 15 minutes when the borrower called up and said his bank was opening up special for him to get a cashiers check and it closed.  So we had some close ones but we closed them and were paid!! 

We have about 25 loans going and it is so hard to keep up with it all but at least we can pay the bills and keep moving ahead.  This Saturday I taught four of the Help You Sell agents about financing and they said said they really learned a lot and enjoyed the class.  They are pretty good to refer loans to me.  Since brokers have become a thing now and not everything being done by the banks the real estate agents have a lot to learn!

Went by mistake to 7th Ward last week and they were having a Farewell for Johnny Rasimas to the Tonga Mission.  His sister Michelle is very vivacious and gave a good talk.  Donna Moncrief is so pretty and she gave a good talk and the father did also.   

Linda wrote that they are having problems with mice in Chicago and need D-Con!  We know all about mice from problems we had!!!

Maria and Mark are moving in here.  Most of the time baby Michael is very relaxed and a chubby, jolly fellow.  

James is doing well on his mission! 

We just realized that Brother and Sister Squires who were at the MTC when James was there are relatives!

Fuquas to Come and New Family News, 1986

As of May 31 Richard is completely separated from Jones.   

The Fuquas are going to live with us this next year to see if Len can do this business.  Coming down in time to get the boys in school.

Richard and I enjoyed a weekend in Big Bear, need to get away from it all sometime.

Maria and Mark are in Michigan, Maria went a week early so they could have more time with baby Michael.  Mark is working with a air conditioning/heating company and quite likes it.  Hope that works out.

Linda and Gary spend weekends in El Cajon and Linda is here all week and has gotten some sewing done.  The last two weeks she also took care of Meagan because Meagan went to Zoo school in the mornings one week and to Scripps Aquarium School in the mornings the second week.  Meagan can read and can write also.  She is going into first grade this year.

John is taking a real interest in cooking so I am giving him a small food processor for his birthday, he wanted it!  He and Gary are planning a trip to the High Sierras. 

We received a letter from James' mission president saying he is being called to be a district leader!

Richard and I switch furniture around a little so we can have a private sitting area in our bedroom to maintain our privacy.

We put the bunk beds in James' bedroom for a couple of the Fuqua boys. We have quite a juggling of people in our house.  Linda is having her baby in San Diego instead of Chicago and so may be here for a bit even after the Fuquas come and Maria and Mark come down quite often, too.

Two of the boys will probably be in the garage.  We have new carpeting  in there and we will make a wall out of high storage shelves.  Everybody says we are  crazy and asking for trouble but I think we can all get along if we try.

Roberta was very surprised to hear the Denver Temple will be dedicated in October.  It was started the same time as the San Diego Temple and it is getting nowhere.  Evidently the architect here displeased the church officials so not moving forward fast.

Meagan is sewing her own Barbie doll clothes.  I cut out a lot intending to make them for Christmas but never had time so I showed her how to sew them by hand and she loves doing it!!!

My Mom is now living permanently with Jeanne, She is 84.  I was in an old folks home last week and those people sit around like vegetables, and a lot younger than Mom, too.  So sad.  Happy Jeanne can take her in.  

Update on Family, 1986

 We are getting our mail back from Jimmy's last address which is strange but he probably did not do a forwarding order.  I am getting tired of working, we did not get to the beach all summer, soooo busy.

Jon F has been  washing my car on the weekends, nice job for him and I am glad to get it done.  

I am on a vitamin kick and trying to get more energy.

Mark and John are trying to get some  time off so we can all go up to Park City for Christmas.  

Mom is at Jeanne's, Maria sent Jimmy some cookies, little Michael is a real character.  He slouches in his high chair and puts his feet up like no baby I have ever seen...real cool.

Lots of News About Family, Date to Move to Remodeled Choice Mortgage Office, 1987

Richard and I are still working 14 hour days.  I hope eventually the new office and new people we have will cut down on our workload.  Now it seems I just have to spend more time teaching other people and less time to work on my own deals.  With the new owner of the building making changes our office will be like new and on the ground floor.

We are moving into the  new office on the first of April.  They have painted the office and we have selected carpet, they will be putting in the phones next.  

We had $30 in overdraft charges, communicating and handling the money for James' mission is a continual problem.

Last night we went to the movie "Lethal Weapon" with Mel Gibson.  Very exciting.  We still go to Horton Plaza on Friday nights for our eat treat and movie.

We are really enjoying Michael, he is such a fun baby, makes all kinds of faces, about. 15 months now.  Maria and Mark are staying here till she has her new baby boy in March.   

I hope we can eventually make enough money to remodel the bathroom, kitchen and add a deck to this house.  We've decided if we can make it here we will not sale this house, also want to add a west window to the front west bedroom, wouldn't that be a great view. 

We took Meagan and John and the Pulsiphers to Disneyland and it was relaxing.  The new Star Tour is really exciting.  These two creatures take you on a flight in space and it is the driver's first trip so we have sudden drops, lots of swerves, bump into things, have sudden stops and starts and travel at space rate, very realistic.

John has a nice apartment in LA.  It is a 3 bedroom with large living, dining, and lots of light.  He has a roommate but it is still expensive.  His office is very impressive and he is very well-liked for his work, etc.   

The strawberries are finally planted and we have had lots of rain lately so they look very good.

 It is a real blessing to know how to work and be willing to do it.  I feel blessed for having such responsible, sensible, and beautiful children.

I pray for Jimmy in his travels and pray he comes home to us safely after his mission.

No Christmas Card 1986

No Christmas Card again this year and the only pictures taken were of Michael.  What a cutie he is.

1986 was the year of the refinance.  Rates went down and everybody wanted to get in on the lower rates.  Banks could not handle the volume so for me and my team it was a banner year for doing loans.  Of course, there were not enough appraisers and things took a long time.  We literally worked around the clock.  It was a very hard year but we were up to it and did very well.

But no time for anything else but work!!!

Office Doing Well and other Tidbits, 1986

This last weekend we had Carole's daughter Stephanie and her two children, Maria, Mark and Michael of course, and Carole, Len, Eric, David, Jon and Chris all living at our house and four families in one house is a bit much.   

We had been up to Park City but not much snow till it was time to leave.  Gary and John talked about their Sierra plans.   

Maria and I looked at houses and condos in Del Mar.  I still feel very strongly it would be smartest to sell this house, pay off the mortgages and buy a new, smaller place that would be the size and price I could eventually live in alone.

Gary and Linda are a happy family doing what they should be doing, we enjoyed seeing them.

Michael is a charmer.  He really is into music, moves his head and body to the beat.  Mark and Mark are doing very well, too and are looking to buying their first home this year.   

James is doing well on his mission and had a nice Christmas.  I sent him a little of the Stephen Covey philosophies that I am using in my business.  Perhaps it will help him in the mission field.

We have a great group at Choice Mortgage.  Connie is my right hand and works from 3:30 pm to 9 pm.  She is a secretary at one of the schools during the day.  She also has a part time assistant who is excellent.  I have a new gal Charlotte during the day and she is a really good worker.  We got the accountant's compilation and after all debts, bills, salaries, etc we still had $4000 profit so that is good.  I made very good money this year which has helped terrifically in paying for everything.  It was very good for us to go on our own and leave Jones Mortgage.

But I really want to have less we have to come up with every month.   Living in this house costs $3,000 a month with mortgage, utilities, taxes, maid, gardener, etc and after James goes back to college we really do not need it.  My plan is that in the summer we will strip all the wallpapers, except playroom and paint the house one shade inside so it is not so difficult for someone else to envision living in.  Then I think we should sell and rent while we take our time and find a good place to live.

Sunday School this year is the New Testament and Kaye is an excellent teacher.  I hope to follow along better.

James is getting good experience for being a parent or boss.  Getting others to do what they should is not easy.  Example is still the best teacher and love the best method tempered with discipline.  He seems to do it well as a missionary leader.

Happenings in 1987

News of 1987:

Maria came down and went to Church (La Jolla) with us and then she was tired after Sunday School so I was going home with her and the two babies  but Michael did not want to leave the Nursery--when Sis Jensen tried to move him over to us he defiantly said, "NO!" so I stayed at Relief Society and he got to stay till the end. Sis Hunsaker and Jensen are running the Nursery now and it's very organized and the children really enjoy it!!"

May 1987...Janet wrote to Jimmy(on his mission)..."John was here this weekend and Maria told him and  Ladd about all the letters you sent home so they wanted to read them from your girlfriends.  I told them they were just jealous and they said they were!  Anyway, they are both madly in love with Cathy--says her letters are so witty and full of personality!"

May 1987....Janet wrote to Jimmy..."All is well here, working very hard and paying off debts.  On Friday nights Richard and I go to a movie at Horton Plaza and have a bite to eat after work.  It is a fun, alive place with lots of people watching!

Carole was working at a flower shop today to see how she likes it, won't make much money but, Len still thinks he is going to make $5000 a week.  That would be nice!!!"

"I tell you Jimmy it is a real blessing to know how to work.  I am sure you can appreciate that in working with the other missionaries if you have a laggard or two.  You children area all so great, I want you to know how much Richard and I appreciate being the parents of children who know how to work."

July 1987...Janet wrote to Jimmy..."Maria is really getting me going on fixing up the house.  Yesterday we stripped your bedroom and the downstairs bedroom of their wallpaper...going to paint them white.  We had to steam and scrub, what a job, I'm so tired.  

Michael is such a happy boy all the time it's easy to do things and still tend him.  Maria is making the house child-proof and we're getting ready for Linda being here."

August 1987...Janet wrote to Jimmy..."It has been a zoo with workmen at the house and with Linda and Gary here.  But we do think of you all the time and talk about you--you are so special to us, we love you very much and enjoy hearing about you.  I like the phrase "Pied Piper" that the mission president calls you.  That does seem to fit."

"Meagan is now seeing a doctor about her cholesterol.  She has the same thing as you, John,  Linda and Dad.  Hyperlipoproteinemia, where the body not only doesn't use the cholesterol, it manufactures its own.  Evidently there is pretty good medication for it now and maybe you will all have to go on it.  When you come home we should have you tested again and see how you are doing.  We will see what they tell Meagan.  Anyway I am taking her to the nutritionist for Jennifer so I will see what the new word is.  In the meantime, eat well and stay away from the fats and sugars."

John and Meagan

"Craig is really a happy smiling boy who they feel looks like you!  He is very shy though so I haven't had a chance to get too well acquainted yet.  With all the work being done at our house Linda and Gary are out to El Cajon a lot. 

This last weekend the two workers were putting the tile in the kitchen and the one fellow and the boss had an argument and so they had to bring in someone else to finish and it looks terrible!!!  The rest of the house is looking pretty good excerpt for the shutters are bad, they said they can fix them, we will see.

Christmas 1987

1987  in Illinois