John will be joining Jimmy for skiing also. He is continuing his studies at San Diego State, working on his MBA! We're very proud of John's graduation from UCSD with a very high-grade point average this last spring. He received a Bachelor of Arts in History with a Minor in Literature. (When John was once asked what he could do with a History Degree, he said he could make good conversation while standing in the Unemployment Line.)

The most precious Christmas gift of all was delivered December 23 during the Holiday Bowl game (at a hospital) of course). Kristi Marie Pulsipher made her debut into the world with both sets of grandparents and numerous aunts and uncles cheering from the hallway. She is a real beauty and we are all looking forward to lots of baby tending. Linda and Gary did a super job and will somehow jostle parenting, schooling, and earning a living.
Richard is talking seriously about exercising and is continuing to sell all the foreclosure properties his business acquired during the economic slump we have had in San Diego.
Janet lost and gained innumerable pounds this year and decided to go au naturale (grey hair). She continues to be fully enmeshed in the very hectic, pressured world of commissioned loan officer but has managed to survive and even succeed--much to her surprise.
We enjoy hearing from you even though our cards don't go out every year like they used to do...Have a very Happy New Year!