The life of Janet Anderson Hardy from 1981 to 1999 in San Diego Area, California. Home on Camberwell Lane, Rancho Bernardo 1988-1997.
Showing posts with label John's Masters and New Job. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John's Masters and New Job. Show all posts

Major Events in 1985 and Christmas and Christmas Card 1985

Park City, UT--January--Meagan learns to ski--Fun Trip!

Provo, UT--April 19--Jimmy and his bicycle collided with a garbage truck and spends six months recuperating at home 

La Jolla, CA--May-- Mark, Gary, John, and Jimmy convert surf house to playhouse!
Big Bear, CA--July--Much needed vacation at Lagonita Lodge 

Forest Park, Illinois--Move in September, Gary, Linda, and Kristi are at Loyola Dental School

Austin, TX--Sherry and son Zack move to Austin, Texas as Sherry secured a job in the loan business using the experience she has gained in La Jolla.

San Diego, CA--September 12--Michael Aston Valko born, Maria and Mark are the proud parents.

Glendive, MT--November--Janet's brother Dick passes away--Janet joins her family for a loving tribute.  The funeral was very nice.  Dave told about when they were young in the depression with one bicycle for two boys and doing the paper route for years.  Marilyn and Jeanne gave the prayers at the funeral, Carole gave the prayer before the funeral and I gave the prayer at the viewing the night before. 

Everyone was taking it all really well but it is scary to Mary and Cheri and Jeff to have the whole responsibility of the store.  Right next door to the store Dick had just bought the building and got other merchants to come in.  The rent will be about $3000 a month to Mary so if they can keep the merchants in there it should be good.  It is called Anderson's Mini-Mall and he got a Citizen of the Month Award for bringing new life into downtown when the town is so depressed.  

 Dick and Mary 

We gathered at Mary's house in Glendive, Montana

Dave and Dorothy

Carole, Marilyn, and Janet with Mom.   Arky and Rod's wife and baby.

Remaining Anderson children with Mom

Carole and Len with their boys

Marilyn and Arky, Jeanne, Mary, Mom, Dorothy and Dave, Janet and Carole, Len and their boys

La Jolla, CA--November--Jimmy set apart as an Elder and at same time President Kimball passes away.  

Jimmy traveled all over Europe after High School graduation and attended ski school in Austria and Italy with a rich friend and so was able to be on the BYU ski team.  Just before trying to get ready for a spring ski trip to Colorado, he was hit by a BYU garbage truck while riding his bicycle.  He received severe head injury and damage to his tibia.

While mending for 6 months he prepared for a mission and left last month for Colorado Mission.  He was not able to go abroad because of possible head seizures and need for leg physical therapy.

Boulder, CO--November--Jimmy arrives at first city to serve on his mission!

San Diego, CA--December--John finishes graduate school at San Diego State.   He is looking for a job

Los Angeles, CA--John begins his new career as a Tax Accountant with Peat, Marwick, Main and Co.  

San Diego, CA--December--We are putting Maria in as Operations Manager, in charge of keeping all supplies bought and forms printed, turning the garage room into a mailroom, etc.  We just have to get more organized and get Richard to spending his time doing the right things.  We are also cleaning and reorganizing the Clairemont office for better looks and efficiency.
Christmas in La Jolla

Meagan and Michael

Maria and Baby Michael

John and Meagan

Grandma Janet and Michael


John and Meagan

Maria and Michael

Christmas in Illinois


Christmas in Colorado for James

After Christmas Notes

I have been up since 3 am writing long notes to those I want to rather than sending a lots of cards.

 John starts February 10 with Peat Marwick in Los Angeles.  Should be exciting to finally be working after all his schooling.

We are doing all right but will have to make some decisions this next year about selling our house.