The life of Janet Anderson Hardy from 1981 to 1999 in San Diego Area, California. Home on Camberwell Lane, Rancho Bernardo 1988-1997.
Showing posts with label Fuquas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fuquas. Show all posts

Fuquas to Come and New Family News, 1986

As of May 31 Richard is completely separated from Jones.   

The Fuquas are going to live with us this next year to see if Len can do this business.  Coming down in time to get the boys in school.

Richard and I enjoyed a weekend in Big Bear, need to get away from it all sometime.

Maria and Mark are in Michigan, Maria went a week early so they could have more time with baby Michael.  Mark is working with a air conditioning/heating company and quite likes it.  Hope that works out.

Linda and Gary spend weekends in El Cajon and Linda is here all week and has gotten some sewing done.  The last two weeks she also took care of Meagan because Meagan went to Zoo school in the mornings one week and to Scripps Aquarium School in the mornings the second week.  Meagan can read and can write also.  She is going into first grade this year.

John is taking a real interest in cooking so I am giving him a small food processor for his birthday, he wanted it!  He and Gary are planning a trip to the High Sierras. 

We received a letter from James' mission president saying he is being called to be a district leader!

Richard and I switch furniture around a little so we can have a private sitting area in our bedroom to maintain our privacy.

We put the bunk beds in James' bedroom for a couple of the Fuqua boys. We have quite a juggling of people in our house.  Linda is having her baby in San Diego instead of Chicago and so may be here for a bit even after the Fuquas come and Maria and Mark come down quite often, too.

Two of the boys will probably be in the garage.  We have new carpeting  in there and we will make a wall out of high storage shelves.  Everybody says we are  crazy and asking for trouble but I think we can all get along if we try.

Roberta was very surprised to hear the Denver Temple will be dedicated in October.  It was started the same time as the San Diego Temple and it is getting nowhere.  Evidently the architect here displeased the church officials so not moving forward fast.

Meagan is sewing her own Barbie doll clothes.  I cut out a lot intending to make them for Christmas but never had time so I showed her how to sew them by hand and she loves doing it!!!

My Mom is now living permanently with Jeanne, She is 84.  I was in an old folks home last week and those people sit around like vegetables, and a lot younger than Mom, too.  So sad.  Happy Jeanne can take her in.  

The Fuquas are Here!!, 1986

All the Fuquas are here, 15 people here this weekend! Gary has returned to Chicago  and Linda will be having her baby soon.

Eric has already had his car stolen, put the keys under his carpet and window open, etc.  Kathy (John's friend) was nice enough to meet Hunter before registration at La Jolla High.  

The middle bedroom facing the ocean we took the wooden shutters down and putting up mini-blinds, such a beautiful view and so light in there.  Linda and Kristi are staying in there.

Richard sold three houses this weekend and we funded almost a million dollars in my loans this month!!

J I Earl News, Linda and Baby News, 1986

Richard wrote to James and one of the things he told him was that I was working hard and very effectively.    He said I was extremely capable and  have proven to be a real sophisticated business person. Wow!

Although it was tedious to separate from Jones we now have eight of us, two computers, two memory writers as well as three typewriters and a large copier.  

A large company just bought out Help U Sell,  we think this will give us a boost and help us build the business more effectively.

The J I Earl family is in the midst of compiling a a book detailing the life and posterity of Joseph Ira Earl, son of Sylvester Henry Earl.  Sylvester was the one who joined the Church, was in Nauvoo, and trekked to Salt Lake.  So Richard is busy gathering information on the children and grandchildren of his Mother,  Vida Earl Hardy.  Sounds like a big job. but Richard will make assignments and gather it in, he is good at that.  Ken Earl and his wife Ludeen Earl are going around the country and gathering pictures and information for the book.  He is son of Kenny and Verdie and Kenny was the son of J I.  Ken has a law practice in Moses Lake, not sure if he retired or just taking the time to do it.

Linda had her baby September 11 and I flew out with her and Kristi and baby Craig.  We keep calling him Michael by mistake.  Linda and Gary are renting a roomy, old house and Gary rides a motor scooter to school.  Some other dental students in the ward gave Linda a little shower.  It is interesting how Church people are the same all over, they look the same and talk the same.  Linda has high blood pressure though so she's going to have to slow down, she has things perfect all the time, such a worker.

Downtown Chicago is very alive and busy.  I was surprised at how hot and muggy it is though.  

The work is going well with Jimmy on his mission and we are so proud of the example he is setting and we're doing well on getting the bills paid.   

Eric and Hunter went back to Glendive to go to school, it was frustrating to start over in a big city.  Carole is reassessing what she is going to do, she can work here but she doesn't like techy work so will see.

Update on Family, 1986

 We are getting our mail back from Jimmy's last address which is strange but he probably did not do a forwarding order.  I am getting tired of working, we did not get to the beach all summer, soooo busy.

Jon F has been  washing my car on the weekends, nice job for him and I am glad to get it done.  

I am on a vitamin kick and trying to get more energy.

Mark and John are trying to get some  time off so we can all go up to Park City for Christmas.  

Mom is at Jeanne's, Maria sent Jimmy some cookies, little Michael is a real character.  He slouches in his high chair and puts his feet up like no baby I have ever seen...real cool.