The life of Janet Anderson Hardy from 1981 to 1999 in San Diego Area, California. Home above is on Camberwell Lane, R B and was lived in 1988-1997.
Maria and Mark Elope, Christmas 1984 and Other News from the Year!
News for Thanksgiving and Christmas, Meagan Coming!, 1986
We have been having some interesting Meetings with Compufund, we have a franchise with them and Choice Mortgage. I think it will be good for us and they appear to be doing better than they were when we were Jones.
Another lender invited me (one of six from San Diego) to a meeting to introduce a new loan. They said they like working with me because we bring nice clean loans and we are honest!
We have moved the loan business upstairs and it is fixed up really very nice. It is so much better organized and neat and quiet. Isaac B works with me as loan agent. He also was at La Jolla Newport. He is a Mexican Jew and has a son 19 and a girl 15. He is very pleasant to work with and says the Jews have a fun religion with lots of celebrations. Isaac has a darling 5 year old and he takes him to Jewish school. He says he does not want to dedicate Willie to God. He was joking but he means he is too adorable to give to anybody, even God, I guess.
We sent Jimmy a package with 25 presents, not expensive and mostly edible. It is supposed to be for him to open one a day till Christmas
Richard closed quite a few deals this week so was feeling good. He is taking vitamins too and I do think it helps us.
My brother Dave and his wife Dorothy took Mary (wife of my brother who died) on a trip through the New England states and they had a wonderful tune. Mary said they saw Mom in Utah and that she has gained 10 pounds and looks better than ever. She does appear to be happy there.
Meagan is flying down next Monday for Thanksgiving and we are going to Disneyland Thursday and have our turkey dinner Friday night. John will be going with us and I think the Fuquas and Maria, Mark and Michael.
I guess John will be going to Park City with us for Christmas, too. Yea!
We have our Christmas shopping done and the Ward is having a Christmas party at our house on the 13th. We will have our house decorated by then and we leave for Park City on the 20th.
Happenings in 1987
July 1987...Janet wrote to Jimmy..."Maria is really getting me going on fixing up the house. Yesterday we stripped your bedroom and the downstairs bedroom of their wallpaper...going to paint them white. We had to steam and scrub, what a job, I'm so tired.
Christmas Card and Review of 1994
If I were an economist I would have to say,
1994 was not good in ANY way!!!
But since I'm not, you'll be happy to hear,
We've had many blessings and lots of good cheer!
The first blessing for the new year '95,
Is the fact that Richard Hardy is still alive--
Like the little pink rabbit that keeps going and going
Richard is there for us all without any slowing.
And then there's the children Linda, Maria, James and John
Who's support and love is with us though they are long gone,
With spouses Gary, Mark, Camber, and Jessica, too
Our cup overfloweth from their goodness so true.
The picture enclosed really tells the whole story,
Ten grandchildren of beauty and wondrous glory.
Is it that first gaze from an infants eyes..
Or the hug and helping hand from the big girls and guys
That makes a grandmother truly thankful and aware
She has gifts from heaven with which none can compare.
And what a blessing The Temple has been in our life
As we escape each Wednesday from a world of strife-
And serve with loving, beautiful sisters and brothers
In a labor of love that transcends all others.
that life is eternal and that Jesus Christ and God
live and hear and answer our prayers--
Can any blessing be greater than that?
So Greenspan and Feds keep raising rates high--
Keep hurting our business in the years by and by,
No one can take from us what is of real worth
We've an eternal family sharing our life on earth.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! from Janet and Richard