Richard wrote to James and one of the things he told him was that I was working hard and very effectively. He said I was extremely capable and have proven to be a real sophisticated business person. Wow!
Although it was tedious to separate from Jones we now have eight of us, two computers, two memory writers as well as three typewriters and a large copier.
A large company just bought out Help U Sell, we think this will give us a boost and help us build the business more effectively.
The J I Earl family is in the midst of compiling a a book detailing the life and posterity of Joseph Ira Earl, son of Sylvester Henry Earl. Sylvester was the one who joined the Church, was in Nauvoo, and trekked to Salt Lake. So Richard is busy gathering information on the children and grandchildren of his Mother, Vida Earl Hardy. Sounds like a big job. but Richard will make assignments and gather it in, he is good at that. Ken Earl and his wife Ludeen Earl are going around the country and gathering pictures and information for the book. He is son of Kenny and Verdie and Kenny was the son of J I. Ken has a law practice in Moses Lake, not sure if he retired or just taking the time to do it.
Linda had her baby September 11 and I flew out with her and Kristi and baby Craig. We keep calling him Michael by mistake. Linda and Gary are renting a roomy, old house and Gary rides a motor scooter to school. Some other dental students in the ward gave Linda a little shower. It is interesting how Church people are the same all over, they look the same and talk the same. Linda has high blood pressure though so she's going to have to slow down, she has things perfect all the time, such a worker.
Downtown Chicago is very alive and busy. I was surprised at how hot and muggy it is though.
The work is going well with Jimmy on his mission and we are so proud of the example he is setting and we're doing well on getting the bills paid.
Eric and Hunter went back to Glendive to go to school, it was frustrating to start over in a big city. Carole is reassessing what she is going to do, she can work here but she doesn't like techy work so will see.