The life of Janet Anderson Hardy from 1981 to 1999 in San Diego Area, California. Home on Camberwell Lane, Rancho Bernardo 1988-1997.

Carla is a Financial Consultant with Shearson/American Express Inc, 1984

On April 25, 1984 Carla sent me a form letter stating that she was now associated with the newly merged American Express and Shearson Loeb Rhoades.

Her title is Dr. Carla Huston Bell, Financial Consultant

This was a great surprise to me because she has always been associated with music and for the last several years as a professor in music at a private school.  Her partner Aaron Bell was also working there and her  2 boys were getting an excellent education as well.

What she explained to me is that Shearson/American Express was trying a new program in which they call experienced people in another field who have associations with many people and then teaching them how to be financial advisors to their associates.

So this is fascinating and we will see how she does.

It is interesting that we both have ended up in the financial industry when our backgrounds were both in totally different fields.

It was so fun to touch base after all these years and we promised to stay in touch!

Carla (Berta Mae) is the birthday girl with the plaid shirt in front of her.  I am the solemn girl on the right.  We were with our best friends and  (Kay, on Carla's right) and Lorraine on my right.  Other girls were also in our class and a large clique.

This is me taking pix at Christmas vacation from college.

Carla is on the left, also home from college.  Lorraine stayed home and got married and Deloris and Kay were both in college, too.

Berta Mae had many talents and became Miss Montana and was in the Miss America contest and then sang on the Perry Como Show and sang in stage musicals.  She had such an imagination that I loved all of our playing different roles on the hillside or at the river or whatever in our growing up days.

Her life became very interesting when she was in New York and in musicals meeting famous people.   And her mother once queried "Why couldn't you just be a school teacher like Janet?"  Because she had great gifts and talents and so much ambition for what she wanted to do and be and I was always her best audience.  But even I did not know how ambitious she was and we were best friends from second grade!

Update:  Carla did very well and became rich on what she earned in the stock market!!!