"The one Mormon agent that was working for us that I never have liked much and never would have hired if he hadn't persisted. Anyway, we've told him several times if he didn't like the way we did things he could leave. Well, he is leaving, he secretly purchased the Mira Mesa Help-U-Sell Franchise when he knew Dad had wanted it. You know Dad, he is always so open and upfront about everything.
Richard feels badly in only that the other man specifically asked that his purchasing be kept secret from Richard. I think I am a pretty good judge of character. I had an instant dislike for "his know it all" and "complaining about his last company" attitude. I sent him to another bank to see about working for them but he kept coming back and really wanted to work with us.
He and I have had several confrontations and I really held my ground and told him he could leave. Richard said he was amazed at how firm I was with him. He would always back down and get so sweet and nice.
We figured he was just waiting till he found out what else he wanted to try. We were right and my processors don't like him either. I have had to tell him that he cannot tell them what to do or backtalk to them, he had to come to me if he wants something. He could be so mean to them."