Richard and I love living in Rancho Bernardo in this cute little house. It is a great place for us and easy to keep up.
A couple who are buying their first home were out to our house signing some papers. They had their children with them and they are excited about the new house, too. The little girl, who is about 10, told us she wanted some curtains in her house just like mine and the little brother agreed! The girl told me she liked my house, "It is like a china doll house," she said. Not sure what she meant by that.
I love my little office. We have an attractive neon light so it is as well-lighted as an office. I have a nice built-in desk (no computer yet). I also have a writing and typing desk and Richard has a desk. It is funny though, in the morning when he makes a lot of calls before he goes to the office, he spreads his papers on the kitchen counter and stands up and calls from the wall phone there--just can't get used to sitting down and using his desk, yet.

"That Mormon agent that was working for me that I did not like and he bought the Mira Mesa Franchise out from under Richard and then he started a loan business along with it doing just what Richard was doing.
Well, yesterday one of the loan reps from Glenfed was telling me that he and his partner had a big fight and his partner (who knows the loan business and Jim does not) left and started his own company. They (Glenfed) had been doing a loan for them and closed the loan and did not know which one of them to pay. They ended up paying Gary and not Jim so now Jim is saying Glenfed owes him money.
The loan rep was telling me she always felt uncomfortable around him--"he was so arrogant and yet was one of those agents who doesn't want to learn the detail of the business so they can do it right" (my sentiments exactly).
At any rate, I was feeling very unchristian gleefulness to hear about his plight--he evidently isn't making it with Help-U-Sell and really does not know enough about loans to make a success of that, so maybe he is getting paid back for what he did to Richard. The loan community is very tight knit and what goes around, comes around."