The life of Janet Anderson Hardy from 1981 to 1999 in San Diego Area, California. Home on Camberwell Lane, Rancho Bernardo 1988-1997.

Fuquas to Come and New Family News, 1986

As of May 31 Richard is completely separated from Jones.   

The Fuquas are going to live with us this next year to see if Len can do this business.  Coming down in time to get the boys in school.

Richard and I enjoyed a weekend in Big Bear, need to get away from it all sometime.

Maria and Mark are in Michigan, Maria went a week early so they could have more time with baby Michael.  Mark is working with a air conditioning/heating company and quite likes it.  Hope that works out.

Linda and Gary spend weekends in El Cajon and Linda is here all week and has gotten some sewing done.  The last two weeks she also took care of Meagan because Meagan went to Zoo school in the mornings one week and to Scripps Aquarium School in the mornings the second week.  Meagan can read and can write also.  She is going into first grade this year.

John is taking a real interest in cooking so I am giving him a small food processor for his birthday, he wanted it!  He and Gary are planning a trip to the High Sierras. 

We received a letter from James' mission president saying he is being called to be a district leader!

Richard and I switch furniture around a little so we can have a private sitting area in our bedroom to maintain our privacy.

We put the bunk beds in James' bedroom for a couple of the Fuqua boys. We have quite a juggling of people in our house.  Linda is having her baby in San Diego instead of Chicago and so may be here for a bit even after the Fuquas come and Maria and Mark come down quite often, too.

Two of the boys will probably be in the garage.  We have new carpeting  in there and we will make a wall out of high storage shelves.  Everybody says we are  crazy and asking for trouble but I think we can all get along if we try.

Roberta was very surprised to hear the Denver Temple will be dedicated in October.  It was started the same time as the San Diego Temple and it is getting nowhere.  Evidently the architect here displeased the church officials so not moving forward fast.

Meagan is sewing her own Barbie doll clothes.  I cut out a lot intending to make them for Christmas but never had time so I showed her how to sew them by hand and she loves doing it!!!

My Mom is now living permanently with Jeanne, She is 84.  I was in an old folks home last week and those people sit around like vegetables, and a lot younger than Mom, too.  So sad.  Happy Jeanne can take her in.  

Choice Mortgage, 1986-1996

These are some of the ads and letters that we used in Choice Mortgage.  But I found the best advertisement was word of mouth.  If you do well, your name gets passed on to friends and workers and soon you have clients that call you.

I remember one of the agents we were training wondered why I never had to cold call for clients, that is why because I had built up a good reputation for doing a good job and your name gets passed on.

The mortgage broker business was new in the mid-eighties.  People went to their bank for a loan.  That was all they knew.  But when banks started selling their loans into the secondary market such as FHLMC and FNMA a whole new business was opened up for independent brokers like ourselves.  I learned right along with all the others in San Diego learning a new business.  It was one time when my curious mind opened up a whole new life and career for me.  

Richard never did learn the secondary market of first grade mortgages.  He stuck with the second mortgage side of the business, making loans with individuals who had money to invest and wanted a higher interest rate than they could get at banks, etc.

One person was very frustrated with all the information we needed to get from them.  So I wrote the following to my clients.  Richard and I were both meticulous about sending out referral letters to old clients.  And it worked.  At one time I had so many nice letters that I received complimenting me on my good work.  Of course, there were a few that did not turn out so well, too. 

 And at the beginning when I was learning, there was the shysters who stole my loans away.  I learned a lot from guys already ahead of me in the business.  Most guys like to share their knowledge and I appreciated soaking it up.  But there are always those who take advantage as well.  I learned.  I toughened.

This was an advertisement for the kind of business that Richard did and his clients loved him.  He would stop at their home and tell them what was available for them and really had a personal relationship with all of them. 

This was Suzanne, a very faithful secretary to Richard.  She followed him over from Jones Mortgage when he left.  So did Candy, I don't have her picture.  Both were very good workers and served Richard very well.

Richard's nephew came to work for Richard with the promise that if he could do well in commission only sells, Merrill Lynch would hire him, and Richard gave him that opportunity.  He did very well and left for Merrill Lynch.

Some of the agents Richard tried to train.  Some made it.  Some did not.  Commission only business is very hard and not for every one.

Here was our rock, he was such a great teacher of the computer, a great helper in everything that was needed.  He really loved working with Richard and was so sad when Richard passed away.  

He was my greatest help at learning the computer.  Later we all took classes but at first there were none.  I was fortunate in that a loan processing developer told me he would teach me the computer if I would use his program.  I did and he did and it was a mutual good thing for both of us.  But he often became frustrated with my literal approach and inability to listen well to instructions.  His favorite phrase was "the computer is not forgiving".  

The Fuquas are Here!!, 1986

All the Fuquas are here, 15 people here this weekend! Gary has returned to Chicago  and Linda will be having her baby soon.

Eric has already had his car stolen, put the keys under his carpet and window open, etc.  Kathy (John's friend) was nice enough to meet Hunter before registration at La Jolla High.  

The middle bedroom facing the ocean we took the wooden shutters down and putting up mini-blinds, such a beautiful view and so light in there.  Linda and Kristi are staying in there.

Richard sold three houses this weekend and we funded almost a million dollars in my loans this month!!

J I Earl News, Linda and Baby News, 1986

Richard wrote to James and one of the things he told him was that I was working hard and very effectively.    He said I was extremely capable and  have proven to be a real sophisticated business person. Wow!

Although it was tedious to separate from Jones we now have eight of us, two computers, two memory writers as well as three typewriters and a large copier.  

A large company just bought out Help U Sell,  we think this will give us a boost and help us build the business more effectively.

The J I Earl family is in the midst of compiling a a book detailing the life and posterity of Joseph Ira Earl, son of Sylvester Henry Earl.  Sylvester was the one who joined the Church, was in Nauvoo, and trekked to Salt Lake.  So Richard is busy gathering information on the children and grandchildren of his Mother,  Vida Earl Hardy.  Sounds like a big job. but Richard will make assignments and gather it in, he is good at that.  Ken Earl and his wife Ludeen Earl are going around the country and gathering pictures and information for the book.  He is son of Kenny and Verdie and Kenny was the son of J I.  Ken has a law practice in Moses Lake, not sure if he retired or just taking the time to do it.

Linda had her baby September 11 and I flew out with her and Kristi and baby Craig.  We keep calling him Michael by mistake.  Linda and Gary are renting a roomy, old house and Gary rides a motor scooter to school.  Some other dental students in the ward gave Linda a little shower.  It is interesting how Church people are the same all over, they look the same and talk the same.  Linda has high blood pressure though so she's going to have to slow down, she has things perfect all the time, such a worker.

Downtown Chicago is very alive and busy.  I was surprised at how hot and muggy it is though.  

The work is going well with Jimmy on his mission and we are so proud of the example he is setting and we're doing well on getting the bills paid.   

Eric and Hunter went back to Glendive to go to school, it was frustrating to start over in a big city.  Carole is reassessing what she is going to do, she can work here but she doesn't like techy work so will see.

Update on Family, 1986

 We are getting our mail back from Jimmy's last address which is strange but he probably did not do a forwarding order.  I am getting tired of working, we did not get to the beach all summer, soooo busy.

Jon F has been  washing my car on the weekends, nice job for him and I am glad to get it done.  

I am on a vitamin kick and trying to get more energy.

Mark and John are trying to get some  time off so we can all go up to Park City for Christmas.  

Mom is at Jeanne's, Maria sent Jimmy some cookies, little Michael is a real character.  He slouches in his high chair and puts his feet up like no baby I have ever seen...real cool.

News for Thanksgiving and Christmas, Meagan Coming!, 1986

We have been having some interesting Meetings with Compufund, we have a franchise with them and Choice Mortgage.  I think it will be good for us and they appear to be doing better than they were when we were Jones.

Another lender invited me (one of six from San Diego) to a meeting to introduce a new loan.  They said they like working with me because we bring nice clean loans and we are honest!

We have moved the loan business upstairs and it is fixed up really very nice.  It is so much better organized and neat and quiet.  Isaac B works with me as loan agent.  He also was at La Jolla Newport.  He is a Mexican Jew and has a son 19 and a girl 15.  He is very pleasant to work with and says the Jews have a fun religion with lots of celebrations.  Isaac has a darling 5 year old and he takes him to Jewish school.  He says he does not want to dedicate Willie to God.  He was joking but he means he is too adorable to give to anybody, even God, I guess. 

We sent Jimmy a package with 25 presents, not expensive and mostly edible.  It is supposed to be for him to open one a day till Christmas

Richard closed quite a few deals this week so was feeling good.  He is taking vitamins too and I do think it helps us.

My brother Dave and his wife Dorothy took Mary (wife of my brother who died) on a trip through the New England states and they had a wonderful tune.  Mary said they saw Mom in Utah and that she has gained 10 pounds and looks better than ever.  She does appear to be happy there.

Meagan is flying down next Monday for Thanksgiving and we are going to Disneyland Thursday and have our turkey dinner Friday night.  John will be going with us and I think the Fuquas and Maria, Mark and Michael.

I guess John will be going to Park City with us for Christmas, too. Yea!

We have our Christmas shopping done and the Ward is having a Christmas party at our house on the 13th.  We will have our house decorated by then and we leave for Park City on the 20th.


Lots of News About Family, Date to Move to Remodeled Choice Mortgage Office, 1987

Richard and I are still working 14 hour days.  I hope eventually the new office and new people we have will cut down on our workload.  Now it seems I just have to spend more time teaching other people and less time to work on my own deals.  With the new owner of the building making changes our office will be like new and on the ground floor.

We are moving into the  new office on the first of April.  They have painted the office and we have selected carpet, they will be putting in the phones next.  

We had $30 in overdraft charges, communicating and handling the money for James' mission is a continual problem.

Last night we went to the movie "Lethal Weapon" with Mel Gibson.  Very exciting.  We still go to Horton Plaza on Friday nights for our eat treat and movie.

We are really enjoying Michael, he is such a fun baby, makes all kinds of faces, about. 15 months now.  Maria and Mark are staying here till she has her new baby boy in March.   

I hope we can eventually make enough money to remodel the bathroom, kitchen and add a deck to this house.  We've decided if we can make it here we will not sale this house, also want to add a west window to the front west bedroom, wouldn't that be a great view. 

We took Meagan and John and the Pulsiphers to Disneyland and it was relaxing.  The new Star Tour is really exciting.  These two creatures take you on a flight in space and it is the driver's first trip so we have sudden drops, lots of swerves, bump into things, have sudden stops and starts and travel at space rate, very realistic.

John has a nice apartment in LA.  It is a 3 bedroom with large living, dining, and lots of light.  He has a roommate but it is still expensive.  His office is very impressive and he is very well-liked for his work, etc.   

The strawberries are finally planted and we have had lots of rain lately so they look very good.

 It is a real blessing to know how to work and be willing to do it.  I feel blessed for having such responsible, sensible, and beautiful children.

I pray for Jimmy in his travels and pray he comes home to us safely after his mission.

No Christmas Card 1986

No Christmas Card again this year and the only pictures taken were of Michael.  What a cutie he is.

1986 was the year of the refinance.  Rates went down and everybody wanted to get in on the lower rates.  Banks could not handle the volume so for me and my team it was a banner year for doing loans.  Of course, there were not enough appraisers and things took a long time.  We literally worked around the clock.  It was a very hard year but we were up to it and did very well.

But no time for anything else but work!!!

Office Doing Well and other Tidbits, 1986

This last weekend we had Carole's daughter Stephanie and her two children, Maria, Mark and Michael of course, and Carole, Len, Eric, David, Jon and Chris all living at our house and four families in one house is a bit much.   

We had been up to Park City but not much snow till it was time to leave.  Gary and John talked about their Sierra plans.   

Maria and I looked at houses and condos in Del Mar.  I still feel very strongly it would be smartest to sell this house, pay off the mortgages and buy a new, smaller place that would be the size and price I could eventually live in alone.

Gary and Linda are a happy family doing what they should be doing, we enjoyed seeing them.

Michael is a charmer.  He really is into music, moves his head and body to the beat.  Mark and Mark are doing very well, too and are looking to buying their first home this year.   

James is doing well on his mission and had a nice Christmas.  I sent him a little of the Stephen Covey philosophies that I am using in my business.  Perhaps it will help him in the mission field.

We have a great group at Choice Mortgage.  Connie is my right hand and works from 3:30 pm to 9 pm.  She is a secretary at one of the schools during the day.  She also has a part time assistant who is excellent.  I have a new gal Charlotte during the day and she is a really good worker.  We got the accountant's compilation and after all debts, bills, salaries, etc we still had $4000 profit so that is good.  I made very good money this year which has helped terrifically in paying for everything.  It was very good for us to go on our own and leave Jones Mortgage.

But I really want to have less we have to come up with every month.   Living in this house costs $3,000 a month with mortgage, utilities, taxes, maid, gardener, etc and after James goes back to college we really do not need it.  My plan is that in the summer we will strip all the wallpapers, except playroom and paint the house one shade inside so it is not so difficult for someone else to envision living in.  Then I think we should sell and rent while we take our time and find a good place to live.

Sunday School this year is the New Testament and Kaye is an excellent teacher.  I hope to follow along better.

James is getting good experience for being a parent or boss.  Getting others to do what they should is not easy.  Example is still the best teacher and love the best method tempered with discipline.  He seems to do it well as a missionary leader.

Happenings in 1987

News of 1987:

Maria came down and went to Church (La Jolla) with us and then she was tired after Sunday School so I was going home with her and the two babies  but Michael did not want to leave the Nursery--when Sis Jensen tried to move him over to us he defiantly said, "NO!" so I stayed at Relief Society and he got to stay till the end. Sis Hunsaker and Jensen are running the Nursery now and it's very organized and the children really enjoy it!!"

May 1987...Janet wrote to Jimmy(on his mission)..."John was here this weekend and Maria told him and  Ladd about all the letters you sent home so they wanted to read them from your girlfriends.  I told them they were just jealous and they said they were!  Anyway, they are both madly in love with Cathy--says her letters are so witty and full of personality!"

May 1987....Janet wrote to Jimmy..."All is well here, working very hard and paying off debts.  On Friday nights Richard and I go to a movie at Horton Plaza and have a bite to eat after work.  It is a fun, alive place with lots of people watching!

Carole was working at a flower shop today to see how she likes it, won't make much money but, Len still thinks he is going to make $5000 a week.  That would be nice!!!"

"I tell you Jimmy it is a real blessing to know how to work.  I am sure you can appreciate that in working with the other missionaries if you have a laggard or two.  You children area all so great, I want you to know how much Richard and I appreciate being the parents of children who know how to work."

July 1987...Janet wrote to Jimmy..."Maria is really getting me going on fixing up the house.  Yesterday we stripped your bedroom and the downstairs bedroom of their wallpaper...going to paint them white.  We had to steam and scrub, what a job, I'm so tired.  

Michael is such a happy boy all the time it's easy to do things and still tend him.  Maria is making the house child-proof and we're getting ready for Linda being here."

August 1987...Janet wrote to Jimmy..."It has been a zoo with workmen at the house and with Linda and Gary here.  But we do think of you all the time and talk about you--you are so special to us, we love you very much and enjoy hearing about you.  I like the phrase "Pied Piper" that the mission president calls you.  That does seem to fit."

"Meagan is now seeing a doctor about her cholesterol.  She has the same thing as you, John,  Linda and Dad.  Hyperlipoproteinemia, where the body not only doesn't use the cholesterol, it manufactures its own.  Evidently there is pretty good medication for it now and maybe you will all have to go on it.  When you come home we should have you tested again and see how you are doing.  We will see what they tell Meagan.  Anyway I am taking her to the nutritionist for Jennifer so I will see what the new word is.  In the meantime, eat well and stay away from the fats and sugars."

John and Meagan

"Craig is really a happy smiling boy who they feel looks like you!  He is very shy though so I haven't had a chance to get too well acquainted yet.  With all the work being done at our house Linda and Gary are out to El Cajon a lot. 

This last weekend the two workers were putting the tile in the kitchen and the one fellow and the boss had an argument and so they had to bring in someone else to finish and it looks terrible!!!  The rest of the house is looking pretty good excerpt for the shutters are bad, they said they can fix them, we will see.

Christmas 1987

1987  in Illinois

A Traitor Amongst Us and Help-U-Sell, 1987

"The one Mormon agent that was working for us  that I never have liked much and never would have hired if he hadn't persisted. Anyway, we've told him several times if he didn't like the way we did things he could leave. Well, he is leaving, he secretly purchased the Mira Mesa Help-U-Sell Franchise when he knew Dad had wanted it.  You know Dad, he is always so open and upfront about everything.  

Richard feels badly in only that the other man specifically asked that his purchasing be kept secret from Richard.  I think I am a pretty good judge of character.  I had an instant dislike for "his know it all" and "complaining about his last company" attitude.  I sent him to another bank to see about working for them but he kept coming back and really wanted to work with us.  

He and I have had several confrontations and I really held my ground and told him he could leave. Richard said he was amazed at how firm I was with him.  He would always back down and get so sweet and nice.  

We figured he was just waiting till he found out what else he wanted to try. We were right and my processors don't like him either.  I have had to tell him that he cannot tell them what to do or backtalk to them, he had to come to me if he wants something.  He could be so mean to them."

Christmas Card 1988 and Big Move to Rancho Bernardo

No time for photos this year,  We made the big move from La Jolla!!!

After 18 years we left La Jolla and the big house near the sea,
Settled in suburban Rancho Bernardo where the "old folks" tend to be.
The sun shines more and the population is less,
The living is low key and--hopefully, less stress.
However, we still drive into our office each day.
And sell houses and loans to bring home the pay!
We started over in our business just three years ago.
So we won't see retirement for a long time, you know.

Richard had to have bypass surgery last spring,
But thankfully recouped and was soon ready for anything.
In the middle of moving and with work, too.
It was a difficult time but the children helped us through.
Maria and Mark did more than we can tell,
Carried on in the business and did it very well.
Jimmy came home when we called and left all his fun,
Gave up his studies and such till the moving was done.

Craig and Kristi in Chicago in 88

Linda and Gary Pulsipher and their children,t00,
Still, live in Chicago till dental school's through.

Our trip this year was Thanksgiving with them--
Chicago was warm and the trip was a gem!
Played with Kristi and Craig in the neighborhood park
And from Sears Tower saw the lights of Chicago after dark!

The Valkos (Maria and Mark) live in Poway, just down the way,
So we have fun with Matthew and Michael often when they come to play.

John, the CPA is still with Pear, Marwick and Main
And he lives on the coast in El Segundo, not far by train!

His daughter Meagan comes on weekends to RB
To visit us and the clubhouse--swimming you see.

Jimmy is busy schooling in Business at the "Y"
Still loves skiing and girls and is a popular guy!
We're thankful so much for these children we love,
And the five special grandchildren sent from heaven above.

Christmas will be in our new home this year--
Not in shape for skiing at Park City, we fear--
But we're well and thankful for our new little place,
Come over and see us, we still have extra space!

Now to you and yours and your family so fine,
We wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in 1989!

Pictures of our house in La Jolla before it was sold.

Our Rancho Bernardo Home, 1988

Richard and I love living in Rancho Bernardo in this cute little house.  It is a great place for us and easy to keep up.

A couple who are buying their first home were out to our house signing some papers.  They had their children with them and they are excited about the new house, too.  The little girl, who is about 10, told us she wanted some curtains in her house just like mine and the little brother agreed!  The girl told me she liked my house, "It is like a china doll house," she said.  Not sure what she meant by that.

I love my little office.  We have an attractive neon light so it is as well-lighted as an office.  I have a nice built-in desk (no computer yet).  I also have a writing and typing desk and Richard has a desk.  It is funny though, in the morning when he makes a lot of calls before he goes to the office, he spreads his papers on the kitchen counter and stands up and calls from the wall phone there--just can't get used to sitting down and using his desk, yet.


"That Mormon agent that was working for me that I did not like and he bought the Mira Mesa Franchise out from under Richard and then he started a loan business along with it doing just what Richard was doing.  

Well, yesterday one of the loan reps from Glenfed was telling me that he and his partner had a big fight and his partner (who knows the loan business and Jim does not) left and started his own company.  They (Glenfed) had been doing a loan for them and closed the loan and did not know which one of them to pay.  They ended up paying Gary and not Jim so now Jim is saying Glenfed owes him money. 

The loan rep was telling me she always felt uncomfortable around him--"he was so arrogant and yet was one of those agents who doesn't want to learn the detail of the business so they can do it right" (my sentiments exactly).  

At any rate, I was feeling very unchristian gleefulness to hear about his plight--he evidently isn't making it with Help-U-Sell and really does not know enough about loans to make a success of that, so maybe he is getting paid back for what he did to Richard.  The loan community is very tight knit and what goes around, comes around."

Business is Good, John's New Car, a Getaway and Grandchildren Pictures, 1988

Winter 1988

Winter 1988...Janet wrote to Mom and Jeanne..."Matthew heard me say "Michael, Michael, Michael" when talking to him the other day so now when he sees Michael he says "Micoll, Micoll, Micoll".  Matthew has had earache problems and is now teething so has had Maria or me up every night for some time.  He is such a happy little fellow it is hard to see him so gloomy."

Winter 1988...Janet wrote to Mom and Jeanne..."John's old Mazda broke down on the way to work the other day so he walked over and bought a new Hyundai, just as well he surely needed a new car...John is very helpful when I have any tax questions from clients.  He is doing very well.  I am hoping to get tickets for "Les Miserables" up there this spring and take him with us."

Winter 1988...Janet wrote to Mom and Jeanne..."Richard and I went up to Big Bear a couple of weeks ago and it was really a nice rest--we love it up there and should plan to go every month to get away.  Richard is the teacher in High Priests and enjoys that very much.  I substitute in Primary and enjoy that, too.

Winter 1988...Janet wrote to Mom and Jeanne..."Lately, Richard has had a few clients come to him from Jones Mortgage and they have said that since Mr Jones retired it is not the same place and Richard's presentations are so much better that they want to do business with him.  Of course, with Richard doing so much loan work he can't be chasing after the real estate agents all the time so they have got to be good.  It is the women who are the best.  One of them likes to do loans and she will be a great asset to me.  I am having hope in the business again. Richard is doing a lot of private loans and my loan business has picked up with the rates going down. " 

Summer 1988

"I gave Linda and Maria some money to buy all five grandchildren matching outfits and get their picture taken together.  I guess it turned out to be a real ordeal.  

First, finding the clothes to match for all different ages from 4 months to seven years and then keeping all of the kids happy and in tow. 

Then when they finally got ready to take the pictures all three babies were unhappy so they had to wander around and try and get them happy. 

Then Michael, who is a doll with a real temper, would not take his picture unless he was holding the box of popcorn and every time they gave it to him, he took it by the wrong end and it dumped all over the floor and he would throw himself on the floor and scream--Linda said she picked up the popcorn three times and he screamed three times before they finally all settled down and smiled for the photographer. 

She said the photography room was really a mess when they left.  So when you get the pix you can appreciate what went into it." 

From Mom at Easter 1989

Dear Janet, Richard and Family.

Happy Easter Greeting to you.  As I sit here writing it has rained, and thundered and now the sun is shining again.  We do need the rain.

Jeanne and I went shopping early this morning and got home just as the Warburtons drove up.  We knew they were coming.  Carole W.  friend is in a play here.  She is pretty and sings so it should be a good show.  They are all going but I am not going.  I don't seem to be able to sit for anything that lasts too long.  Old age creeping up!

The cousins have been enjoying themselves--a little nosier and louder than they need be!   

Your yard must be beautiful by now.  Ours is coming but we need pansy's and other flowers to fill in.

Hope to see you one of these days.  Don't work too hard.  

Have a pleasant Easter.

Love to all, Mom, and Grandma

An earlier picture of Mom enjoying one of their many trips they took before Dad died.  Now she is living with Jeanne and life is so different.  

October 23, 1989--30 Year Wedding Anniversary

The chauffeur arrived right on time and when Richard saw him he said, "Oh, my gosh."  The chauffeur was a little unsure as to exactly where we were going and tried to call Maria but she was gone.  His boss had told him but not enough detail.  We told him we could not be of any help at all.  I did tell him we had a confirmation # and then he felt comfortable that where he thought we were supposed to go really was the place.  He then became concerned about the time though.  He said limousines always travel slower and people usually do not figure extra time when telling them what time to come so he drove faster.  I can certainly see why movie stars, and etc. like to travel by limousine.  It is very relaxing and everything looks a little different from inside.  

We arrived at the harbor and it was the right place, "The Invader Cruise".  This is a ship that was built in 1905 as a racing sloop for the Borden Milk family.  It has gone through a number of changes but is much larger on the inside than it appears.  Amazingly enough the air was not cool at all.  The ship travels very smoothly and the view is just beautiful.  We were taken all around the bay under the Coronado bridge and back.  We saw the Exxon Valdez and Joan Kroc's yacht and a lot of Navy carriers.  The beauty is all the lights from the city and Coronado.  The trip was 2 1/2 hrs long and we were on ship about 1/2  hr before we took off.

There was a band and singers and they were excellent.  There was a little dance floor that kept full and was fun to watch.  A Japanese boy of 4 and his sister of 6 kept us all amused--they were seriously imitating the dancers of the 50s.  Sitting across from us was a young couple from New Jersey, they had been in Anaheim for a karate convention.  Next to them was New Zealanders who shipped eel for a living, and the man put on quite a show in his dancing.  Next to us was a couple who were marrying next month and the band kept teasing them.   There were quite a few people celebrating birthdays and anniversaries from San Diego. Excellent voyage! It was a very relaxed evening, even Richard was relaxed but not napping.
Of course, Richard had to ask the chauffeur to stop at the office while he picked up the Monday morning mailing.  I told Maria if he charged extra for that put it on the Office tab!

It was all a surprise gift from our children and the only disappointing thing was to see how chubby we are in the pictures!!!  But in spite of that it was a very romantic evening!  For my anniversary present I have a beautiful new gold bracelet and watch and we are going shopping for new clothes for Richard, that is what he wants.

Hard to believe it has been 30 years!!! Jimmy said it must get easier as the years go by...yes, with only two to take care of, it is definitely easier.  We also received a picture of our  "super seven" grandchildren that is really darling and hanging over the couch.

Christmas Card 1989, New Grandbabies, Gary Graduates, the Deides are here

Grandchildren Christmas 1989

The good news is...

     We gained two new granddaughters this year, Melissa to Maria and Mark in Poway and Amy to  Linda and Gary in Chicago!

Melissa in Poway

Amy in Chicago
The bad news is...
     We do not get to see Linda and Gary's Kristi, Craig, and Amy near enough.  

The good news is...
    Gary graduated from   dental school this year and is going on to orthodontic school--Congratulations, Gary!!!

The good news is...
     Janet had a special trip with granddaughter Kristi across the state of Illinois from Chicago to  Nauvoo, Illinois.  We saw the roots of Mormon history we had previously only read about.  It was delightful!

The bad news is...
     The wind blows like crazy in Illinois and the Mississippi really is muddy but the grass is very green and the farms are the neatest I have ever seen!

Karoke was fun for Meagan

The good news is...
     Richard and I had a wonderful summer trip with granddaughter Meagan to the Anderson Family cabin in Silvergate, Montana.  We met sons John and Jimmy there and did hiking, fishing, and horseback riding and just enjoyed the quiet mountain beauty.

The bad news is...
     It took about half of our vacation just driving back and forth from California--but we saw Yellowstone Park through the eyes of a nine year old and that was neat!

The bad news is..Janet has too much to juggle to do anything too well
  but continues to get more courses on the complicated mortgage business.

The good news is...
     The whole extended family was together for about one day at Big Bear Lake.  We really enjoyed getting all the grandchildren together so they can become friends.

Craig and Kristi in Chicago

The bad news is...
     It gets harder and harder to gather the troops---John is a manager with Peat, Marwick, and Main in Los Angeles: Jimmy is finishing his last year at BYU; and the Pulsiphers (Linda, Gary, and children) have two more years in Chicago.  That leaves the Valkos (Maria, Mark and children) in nearby Poway, Jennifer and Meagan in La Jolla and Richard and I in Rancho Bernardo. (This latter group see each other weekly which we really enjoy).

Jennifer sets the table in our new dining room

The good news is...
     Richard has recouped well from his 1988 bypass and is back to working his 12 hour days.  He has 20 people working in Help-U-Sell offices now so that is great but keeps him jumping.

Kristi has a party in Chicago

The bad news is...
     Richard has regained all his weight and we are both in great need of shaping up and we never seem to take time for ourselves.

The good news is...
      We love our home in Rancho Bernardo--much more than we had imagined.  It is light and airy and just the right size.

Meagan is Mary this Christmas

The bad new is...
       With working everyday at Choice Mortgage and Help-U-Sell there is never enough time for grandchildren, gardening, and just being home!

The good news is...
      We all wish you a Merry Christmas and a most Wonderful New Year in 1990.

Matt and Craig are the Shepherds

The bad news is...
       We miss seeing all our old friends and don't see our family and relatives enough and there's too little time for new friends!  But if any of you are on the slopes in Park City after Christmas or in the Salt Lake Genealogy Library after New Years, look for us, we'll be there and remember 18391 Camberwell Lane is just off 1-15!

Come see us in Rancho Bernardo!

Christmas Dinner in Our New Home

The Deides came for Christmas, too

Mike likes the Karoke, too

Matt is not the baby anymore.

Matt has such cute expressions.